Red Social Forex

La red social de Forex: MyFxbook AutoTrade

Las instalaciones de redes sociales han encontrado su camino en la industria de la divisa con el AutoTrade de Myfxbook. Para aquellos que no están familiarizados con AutoTrade, es un software comercial diseñado específicamente para actuar como una comunidad comercial donde los comerciantes pueden seguir los movimientos y estrategias de cada uno. El software fue orientado originalmente hacia los comerciantes principiantes que todavía han llegado a una comprensión completa de cómo manejar el mercado con éxito y otros comerciantes que no han encontrado la estrategia comercial más adecuada todavía. Sin embargo, AutoTrade también fue diseñado para beneficiar a los comerciantes experimentados como cada vez que sus operaciones se siguen son recompensados ​​con hasta medio pip por lote estándar negociado por sus seguidores.

Desde que se introdujo AutoTrade ha traído mucho más interés en el juego. Los comerciantes principiantes ahora pueden llegar a ser exitosos durante la noche, en el sentido de que pueden comenzar a obtener beneficios con la "ayuda" de alguien que ha estado en la industria más tiempo que ellos. Ver los oficios de otros puede funcionar como un método de guía para los comerciantes sobre cómo una exitosa estrategia comercial se establece y mantiene. Otros comerciantes también están utilizando AutoTrade para diversificar su estrategia existente y mejorar su método.

Myfxbook AutoTrade también está equipado con herramientas que ofrecen a sus usuarios un análisis en profundidad y estadísticas de su comercio, ya que se sincroniza automáticamente con su actual historia de comercio MT4. Debido a esto el usuario también se proporciona con estadísticas más agudas que trabajan hacia una mejor toma de decisiones. Hay varias características adicionales que han sido creados con el fin de llevar a sus usuarios de comercio un paso más en su éxito.

Un comerciante que ha desarrollado una habilidad para adaptarse a varios tipos de estrategias comerciales y métodos de inmediato aumenta sus posibilidades de éxito y enriquece su propia cartera de negociación. Sí, sabiendo lo que es bueno y se adhiere a ella se aconseja en cualquier campo. Sin embargo, cuando uno está en Forex uno debe ser capaz de caer en la tendencia específica con el fin de no perder ninguna oportunidad de ganar.

Como cliente de HiWayFX, puede crear de forma instantánea su cuenta MyFxbook AutoTrade de forma gratuita. Una vez que el software se ha agregado a su cuenta obtendrá acceso directo a una abundancia de operaciones exitosas para que usted comience a copiar de o para que otros comiencen a copiar de usted, ambas opciones llevan a más fondos. Así que, deja de tratar de encontrar una estrategia exitosa, pero aprende de los demás y deja que otros aprendan de ti con la cuenta de MyFxbook AutoTrade de HiWayFX.

Artículos basados ​​en:

FX al por menor

Al utilizar este sitio web, se considera que ha leído y aceptado los siguientes términos y condiciones:

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© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Forex redes sociales & # 8211; Ya no es sólo una palabra de moda

Carol Harmer, fundadora de CharmerCharts. com, estará en el chat de Forexstreet. net todos los martes y jueves a las 10:00 am GMT durante 20 minutos para dar su opinión sobre los mercados de FX y responder a las preguntas de los miembros de la red.

Para participar en el chat, sólo tienes que iniciar sesión en Forexstreet. net. En la parte inferior de cualquier página de nuestra red, encontrarás la sala de chat.

Con una carrera que abarca casi 30 años, Carol Harmer es sin duda uno de los analistas técnicos más respetados y establecidos en el Reino Unido y es miembro fundador de la STA (The Society of Technical Analysts). La carrera de Carol comenzó en 1981 en el mercado de futuros de LIFFE. En 1983 Carol comenzó a trabajar como Analista Técnico Senior para Midland Bank (que fue tomado por HSBC en 1992). En 1986, Carol fue nuevamente cazada por el papel de Gerente de Análisis Técnico de Nomura Bank. Tres años después y hasta 1996, Carol fue contratada como Head of Technical Trading en Credit Suisse. Ella también apareció semanalmente en Bloomberg, CNBC y Reuters TV financiera para dar su opinión sobre los mercados financieros.

Forex MeetUp Group en Barcelona

Desde febrero, FXstreet. com organiza conjuntamente con su red social Forexstreet. net reuniones mensuales con comerciantes de Forex en Barcelona a través de MeetUp. La primera reunión tuvo lugar a finales de febrero y hubo 9 comerciantes. Ahora son 24 miembros y crecen. ¿Quién habría pensado que tantos comerciantes de Forex de habla inglesa viven en Barcelona? Cada mes definen un tema y uno de los comerciantes tiene que hacer una presentación para los demás. Un Q & amp; A sigue y luego todos van en un bar para charlar y tomar una copa. La próxima reunión es el 6 de junio y Yohay Elam hablará sobre el euro y por qué es tan alto. .

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Todas y cada una de las opiniones, comentarios, noticias, investigaciones, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporcionan como comentario general del mercado y no constituyen asesoramiento de inversión ni una solicitud y no hay garantías asociadas con ellos. No nos hacemos responsables de ninguna pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier lucro cesante, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Hemos tomado medidas razonables para garantizar la exactitud de la información en el sitio web. El contenido de este sitio web está sujeto a cambios en cualquier momento sin previo aviso.

Mercado de divisas (FX, Forex) es muy especulativo en la naturaleza, implica un riesgo considerable y no es apropiado para todos los inversores. Por lo tanto, antes de decidirse a participar en operaciones de cambio fuera de divisas / Forex, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Los inversores sólo deben utilizar el riesgo o el capital excedente al negociar Forex porque siempre existe el riesgo de pérdidas sustanciales. Lo más importante, no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier mención de los resultados anteriores no es indicativa de resultados futuros. El acceso a la cuenta, las ejecuciones comerciales y la respuesta del sistema pueden verse afectados negativamente por las condiciones del mercado, los retrasos en las cotizaciones, el rendimiento del sistema y otros factores. Commodity Futures Trading Commission: Los futuros, las opciones y el comercio de divisas tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Usted debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos con el fin de invertir en los mercados de Forex / futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta para comprar / vender Forex / futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


&dupdo; 2017 PipTwits ™

Redes Sociales Forex

ADVERTENCIA SOBRE RIESGOS: El comercio en cualquier mercado de divisas foráneos puede tener recompensas potenciales, pero también conlleva riesgos potenciales. Existe una considerable exposición al riesgo en cualquier transacción financiera fuera de la bolsa, incluyendo pero no limitado a apalancamiento, solvencia, protección regulatoria limitada y volatilidad del mercado que puede afectar sustancialmente el precio o la liquidez de un activo financiero. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los riesgos y estar dispuestos a aceptarlos con el fin de comercio de divisas. Forexnewsnow. com es un recurso informativo diseñado para proporcionar revisiones de corredores de divisas. Top forex corredores de información y revisiones de divisas, pero no asume ninguna responsabilidad y / o responsabilidad por cualquier inversión financiera de cualquier tipo que se inició y / o llevado a cabo sobre la base o utilizando la información de forexnewsnow. com y / o sus afiliados. Antes de decidir participar en el mercado forex fuera de la bolsa, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Forexnewsnow. com es propiedad de Prescience, LLC, una organización con fines de lucro que gana ingresos de la publicidad que se muestra en Forexnewsnow. com y sitios web relacionados.

Copyright y copia; 2008-2017 Noticias Forex ahora. Prescience, LLC. Todos los derechos reservados.

Redes Sociales Forex

ADVERTENCIA SOBRE RIESGOS: El comercio en cualquier mercado de divisas foráneos puede tener recompensas potenciales, pero también conlleva riesgos potenciales. Existe una considerable exposición al riesgo en cualquier transacción financiera fuera de la bolsa, incluyendo pero no limitado a apalancamiento, solvencia, protección regulatoria limitada y volatilidad del mercado que puede afectar sustancialmente el precio o la liquidez de un activo financiero. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los riesgos y estar dispuestos a aceptarlos con el fin de comercio de divisas. Forexnewsnow. com es un recurso informativo diseñado para proporcionar revisiones de corredores de divisas. Top forex corredores de información y revisiones de divisas, pero no asume ninguna responsabilidad y / o responsabilidad por cualquier inversión financiera de cualquier tipo que se inició y / o llevado a cabo sobre la base o utilizando la información de forexnewsnow. com y / o sus afiliados. Antes de decidir participar en el mercado forex fuera de la bolsa, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Forexnewsnow. com es propiedad de Prescience, LLC, una organización con fines de lucro que gana ingresos de la publicidad que se muestra en Forexnewsnow. com y sitios web relacionados.

Copyright y copia; 2008-2017 Noticias Forex ahora. Prescience, LLC. Todos los derechos reservados.

La red social Forex: MyFxbook AutoTrade RU

Las instalaciones de redes sociales han encontrado su camino en la industria de la divisa con el AutoTrade de Myfxbook. Para aquellos que no están familiarizados con AutoTrade, es un software comercial diseñado específicamente para actuar como una comunidad comercial donde los comerciantes pueden seguir los movimientos y estrategias de cada uno. El software fue orientado originalmente hacia los comerciantes principiantes que todavía han llegado a una comprensión completa de cómo manejar el mercado con éxito y otros comerciantes que no han encontrado la estrategia comercial más adecuada todavía. Sin embargo, AutoTrade también fue diseñado para beneficiar a los comerciantes experimentados como cada vez que sus operaciones se siguen son recompensados ​​con hasta medio pip por lote estándar negociado por sus seguidores.

Desde que se introdujo AutoTrade ha traído mucho más interés en el juego. Los comerciantes principiantes ahora pueden llegar a ser exitosos durante la noche, en el sentido de que pueden comenzar a obtener ganancias con la "ayuda" de alguien que ha estado en la industria más tiempo que ellos. Ver los oficios de otros puede funcionar como un método de guía para los comerciantes sobre cómo una exitosa estrategia comercial se establece y mantiene. Otros comerciantes también están utilizando AutoTrade para diversificar su estrategia existente y mejorar su método.

Myfxbook AutoTrade también está equipado con herramientas que ofrecen a sus usuarios un análisis en profundidad y estadísticas de su comercio, ya que se sincroniza automáticamente con su actual historia de comercio MT4. Debido a esto el usuario también se proporciona con estadísticas más agudas que trabajan hacia una mejor toma de decisiones. Hay múltiples características adicionales que han sido creados con el fin de llevar a sus usuarios de comercio un paso más en su éxito.

Un comerciante que ha desarrollado una habilidad para adaptarse a varios tipos de estrategias comerciales y métodos de inmediato aumenta sus posibilidades de éxito y enriquece su propia cartera de negociación. Sí, sabiendo lo que es bueno y se adhiere a ella se aconseja en cualquier campo. Sin embargo, cuando uno está en Forex uno debe ser capaz de caer en la tendencia específica con el fin de no perder ninguna oportunidad de ganar.

Como cliente de HiWayFX, puede crear de forma instantánea su cuenta MyFxbook AutoTrade de forma gratuita. Una vez que el software se ha agregado a su cuenta obtendrá acceso directo a una abundancia de operaciones exitosas para que usted comience a copiar de o para que otros comiencen a copiar de usted, ambas opciones llevan a más fondos. Así que, deja de tratar de encontrar una estrategia exitosa, pero aprende de los demás y deja que otros aprendan de ti con la cuenta de MyFxbook AutoTrade de HiWayFX.

Artículos basados ​​en:

Por Raúl Canessa C.

Moneda Red Social

Currensee es una nueva red social de estilo Facebook diseñada específicamente para los comerciantes expertos y principiantes que están interesados ​​en el mercado Forex. Por lo tanto, Currensee permite estar en contacto con comerciantes de todo el mundo con los que puede compartir experiencias, estrategias e incluso ver las posiciones que estos comerciantes han abierto en el mercado

De manera similar a Facebook, Currensee da a sus miembros la posibilidad de formar una red de amigos con los que pueden compartir información relacionada con el mercado Forex. Esto puede ser extremadamente útil si entre estos amigos hay comerciantes con experiencia en el mercado de divisas que el comercio con regularidad y con éxito. Como mencionamos anteriormente, esta red social permite a los miembros de una red de amigos observar los oficios que hacen a todos los miembros.

Debido a que Currensee permite consultar un informe completo sobre el desempeño como comerciante de cada uno de sus miembros, es posible seleccionar aquellos con los mejores resultados comerciales en el mercado para incorporarlos a la red. De esta manera usted puede tener libre acceso al conocimiento de los comerciantes altamente eficaces. Para cada uno de estos operadores, puede comprobar diferentes tipos de datos como el índice de riesgo, la coherencia, el tipo de estrategia (si se basa en noticias o análisis técnico) y la tasa de rendimiento. Con esto, los miembros pueden ser muy selectivos al construir su red.

Currensee ofrece otras ventajas entre las que hay algunas muy interesantes que se pueden observar en el panel de control de la cuenta. Por ejemplo, hay una ventana que muestra los soportes históricos y los niveles de resistencia de cada par de divisas, también proporciona un calendario económico con eventos importantes que pueden afectar los precios, una sección de noticias financieras, una sección donde se puede comprobar los horarios de apertura y cierre de los principales Mercados globales (Europa, Estados Unidos, Londres y Asia) y un panel de operaciones que puede ser extremadamente útil.

En el panel de control, los usuarios tienen la opción de verificar las posiciones abiertas y cerradas por los miembros de su red y también tienen acceso a las discusiones que otros miembros de Currensee tienen sobre diversos temas en el mercado. Estas discusiones pueden ser sobre el desarrollo del mercado, diferentes estrategias comerciales y otros temas relacionados con el mercado Forex. Una función particularmente interesante en esta área es el Market Watch, a través del cual es posible observar la tendencia general de los usuarios de Currensee con respecto a las posiciones de mercado en los diferentes pares de divisas. Esto significa que puede comprobar si hay predominantemente posiciones largas (compra) o posiciones cortas (venta) entre los miembros de la comunidad de Currensee.

A continuación se muestra una imagen del panel de usuario de Currensee:

Currensee es una red social interesante que permite el contacto libre con otros comerciantes interesados ​​en invertir en el mercado Forex. Puede obtener más información sobre Currensee a través de este enlace:

-Forex Red Social Currensee

Forex Trading y Redes Sociales

Publicado 5 años | 8:07 AM | 24 de agosto de 2011 1 Comentario

Vamos a enfrentarlo. Las redes sociales se han convertido en una parte esencial de nuestra vida cotidiana, y los corredores de divisas están empezando a unirse al movimiento. No sólo es esta una estrategia de marketing viable, también puede ayudar a los comerciantes mejoraron su rentabilidad. Mediante la integración de las redes sociales con sus plataformas, los intermediarios permiten a sus clientes interactuar con otros comerciantes y ver las operaciones de cada uno.

Vamos a echar un vistazo a lo que estos corredores y medios de comunicación social tienen que ofrecer:

1. FXOpen y FXStat Tradebook

Forex broker FXOpen recientemente se asoció con FX Stat, una plataforma de análisis de divisas libre de divisas, para permitir a sus clientes a beneficiarse del comercio social. A través de esta integración con FX Stat & tradebook, los clientes de FXOpen pueden analizar su propia actividad comercial y seguir a otros comerciantes exitosos.

Esto es particularmente alentador para los comerciantes novatos ya que pueden optar por seguir a los mejores operadores y copiar sus operaciones. Los comerciantes de FXOpen que no tienen mucho tiempo para mirar los mercados también pueden usar FX Stat & tradebook para medir el comportamiento del mercado.

Aparte de eso, FXStat & # 8217; s Tradebook también viene con un calendario económico. Noticias actualizadas del mercado de divisas y más de 150 estadísticas sobre indicadores para ayudar a los operadores a optimizar sus estrategias. También permite al usuario administrar varias cuentas desde un solo lugar y proporciona informes de actividades comerciales diarias, semanales y mensuales en cada cuenta.

2. Interbank FX y IBFXConnect

InterbankFX (IBFX) acaba de lanzar su propia red social FX: IBFXConnect. Esto permite a sus clientes para analizar las estrategias de otros comerciantes exitosos IBFX y seguir sus oficios.

Con un lema que dice & # 8220; Como. Seguir. Copia & # 8221 ;, IBFXConnect da a sus usuarios la capacidad de elegir qué comerciantes a seguir, consultar a estos comerciantes para extremidades, y para mejorar eventual en sus propias habilidades que negocian. Asimismo, los comerciantes también tienen control sobre su configuración de privacidad para restringir el acceso a su perfil.

Lo bueno de IBFXConnect es que cualquier persona con una cuenta MT4 puede unirse a la red. Ni siquiera tiene que poseer una cuenta IBFX. Y lo mejor de todo esto? Es gratis!

3. Libro abierto eToro

También en el tren de las redes sociales es eToro con su libro abierto que permite a los usuarios ver los oficios de otras personas y copiarlos en tiempo real de forma gratuita. Ahora el corredor está pateando su red social encima de una muesca con su última característica, CopyTrader.

Describiéndolo como "Verdaderamente Mágico", & # 8221; La función CopyTrader permite a los clientes eToro tomar las mismas operaciones de otros usuarios. De acuerdo con el sitio web de eToro, todo lo que tienes que hacer es elegir los comerciantes que desea copiar operaciones de y especificar la cantidad que desea arriesgar en sus operaciones.

Debido a que eToro ofrece a sus clientes acceso a su propia plataforma de redes sociales, tiene una mayor supervisión y los usuarios pueden estar seguros de que los comerciantes que siguen son, de hecho, personas reales; No sólo máquinas automatizadas!

Pero ¿qué pasa si no tengo una cuenta con ninguno de estos corredores, dices? No se preocupe. Usted puede tener acceso a casi todas estas características a través de Mt4Pips. com y MeetPips. com.

Siempre y cuando su agente ofrezca una plataforma MT4, puede configurar una cuenta en MT4Pips. com y MT4Sync publicará automáticamente sus operaciones en su cuenta y calculará las estadísticas.

En MeetPips. com. Usted puede diario y discutir sus oficios con otras personas. Escribir y discutir sus observaciones en el mercado, y usted mismo, le ayuda a lidiar con uno de los componentes cruciales de la negociación de su propia psicología. No hay mejor manera de abordar este aspecto de la negociación que a través de diario, por lo que estoy seguro de los comerciantes discrecionales, hasta los cartistas, o cualquier persona que quiere aprender a comerciar por su cuenta encontraría este sitio muy útil!

Como dijo una vez el Dr. Pipslow, "Ningún comerciante es una isla". Debemos tratar los sitios de redes sociales relacionados con divisas como vías para aprender de otros comerciantes. ¡Así que no dudes y participa! Después de todo, con el ambiente de mercado bastante volátil, wouldn 't sentirse mejor sabiendo que usted no sólo por su cuenta?

¿Como lo que has leído?

Forex redes sociales - no rentable aún

Hace aproximadamente un año la blogosfera de Forex estaba agobiada con historias de la inminente toma de control de la industria por los sitios de redes sociales Forex. Parecía, según el pensamiento convencional, que la mayoría de nosotros comerciaríamos, tarde o temprano, a través de sitios web que nos conectaran a otros comerciantes y nos permitieran hacer cosas como rastrear nuestros resultados en comparación con otros comerciantes o seguir expertos líderes & # 8221; Comerciantes Facebook estaba llegando a cumplir con FX, y que simplemente iba de la manera que tenía que ser.

Sin embargo, un año más tarde, las cosas no han funcionado exactamente como estaba previsto. El crecimiento de los miembros en los principales sitios de redes sociales de Forex como Currensee, FX Junction, FXSTAT y Myfxbook se ha estancado. E incluso cuando ha habido un crecimiento en los usuarios, no se traduce necesariamente en ingresos para aquellos que operan los sitios.

LeapRate ha tenido un vistazo en las finanzas de algunas de las empresas de redes sociales de Forex, y las cosas parecen estar aún en desarrollo & # 8221; (Es decir, aún no rentable). Si bien cada sitio tiene un modelo de negocio ligeramente diferente y gancho, los sitios de redes sociales de Forex básicamente hacen su dinero en un IB & # 8222; , Complementado por la venta de espacio publicitario a (principalmente) empresas de Forex. El modelo IB paga a la empresa de redes sociales una cuota cada vez que un comerciante abre una cuenta (o hace un comercio / depósito) con una agencia de corretaje de Forex asociada. Para aquellas redes sociales que también permiten / alientan a los comerciantes a seguir a un comerciante experto, la red social también gana una cuota de éxito de parte de las ganancias junto con el comerciante experto.

El problema, al parecer, es que las redes sociales de Forex se han vuelto algo populares entre una multitud de nichos, pero no han generado la actividad de apertura de nuevas cuentas esperada inicialmente. Básicamente, las redes sociales de Forex se enfrentan a los mismos problemas de otros & # 82201; IBs y White Labels tienen - pasan el 100% de los dólares de marketing para traer un nuevo cliente / comerciante, pero sólo ganan una fracción de la propagación de la actividad comercial de ese cliente. Las redes sociales Forex también tienen la carga de ejecutar sistemas de software complicados y costosos, para proporcionar la funcionalidad que anuncian.

El calor va a estar en marcha como algunas de estas empresas comienzan a ejecutar bajo en la financiación, y como algunos de los accionistas e inversores en Forex redes sociales comienzan a perder la paciencia y la demanda de resultados. (Por ejemplo, Currensee ha recaudado cerca de 17 millones de dólares en financiamiento de capital de riesgo de North Bridge, Egan Managed Capital y Vernon & Park Capital, con mucho dinero para jugar, pero también crea muchas expectativas ). Para atraer a los usuarios algunos de los sitios de medios sociales de Forex han tomado ciertas acrobacias de los medios de comunicación. Un sitio (LetstalkFX. com) incluso ha creado los premios sociales Forex & # 8221; Para su propia industria.

El jurado todavía está por ahí & # 8221; En términos de un veredicto final sobre las redes sociales Forex. Sin embargo, está claro para nosotros que no todos los sitios sobrevivirán. Para obtener más información sobre Forex redes sociales y los medios de comunicación ver el LeapRate-Dow Jones Forex Industry Report.

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Currensee Inc.

En 2009 Currensee Inc. compró una licencia de software para una nueva aplicación de gráficos dxCharts desarrollado por Devexperts. La aplicación está diseñada para ver la dinámica del mercado en tiempo real y para manejar el análisis técnico de instrumentos financieros basado en datos históricos. Currensee fue una de las primeras empresas en comprar el software Flash-chart, y apreció las nuevas características y oportunidades proporcionadas a través de la aplicación.

Currensee es la primera red social de comercio de divisas construida especialmente para los operadores de divisas. Currensee se posicionó como un espacio único donde los comerciantes de ideas afines podían conectarse entre sí y compartir sus ideas, datos y datos basados ​​en la actividad comercial real de la comunidad.

Currensee Inc. fue fundada en agosto de 2008 en Boston, Massachusetts por Avi Leventhal, economista y experimentado operador de Forex, y Asaf Yigal, un exitoso ejecutivo de desarrollo de software y uno de los miembros fundadores de Onaro. Su visión combinada para Currensee se centra en dar a los comerciantes una mejor manera de tomar decisiones de comercio de Forex. Currensee fue dirigido por Dave Lemont, un exitoso CEO y estratega de ir al mercado.

Fue adquirida por la corredora de divisas Oanda Corporation en septiembre de 2017. El 9 de octubre de 2017, Oanda Corporation anunció que el 31 de octubre de 2017, Currensee y el Programa de Líderes Comerciales de OANDA (OTLP) dejarán de operar.


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FX al por menor

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© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Una revisión de FXBees. com & # 8211; Una red social forex

Redes Sociales Forex

Forex Redes Sociales: ¿Para unirse o no unirse?

En los últimos años, las redes sociales se han convertido en un gran negocio. Sitios como Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn son ahora algunos de los servicios más utilizados en la web, con millones de usuarios en todo el mundo conectándose diariamente para conectarse con amigos, colegas y asociados de negocios. Su enorme popularidad ha llevado al establecimiento de una plétora de redes de nicho más especializadas diseñadas para conectar a las personas que participan en actividades compartidas. Las ventajas son obvias: permiten a las personas ponerse en contacto con otras personas activas en su campo, dondequiera que estén en el mundo, y compartir sus experiencias y experiencia. Esto puede ser especialmente valioso para los inversores, ya que tener la información correcta a su alcance puede hacer toda la diferencia entre hacer un beneficio y una pérdida.

Para los comerciantes de FX al por menor, siempre ha habido un deseo de fomentar una comunidad donde se puede aprender de otros comerciantes y compartir consejos y otra información crucial. Antes del establecimiento de las redes sociales forex, los foros en línea cumplía un propósito similar, ya que proporcionaban una comunidad donde los comerciantes de divisas podían comunicarse entre sí. Aunque estos foros contenían mucha información útil, eran intrínsecamente limitados, ya que no replicaban el tipo de interacciones que podrías encontrar en situaciones sociales reales. Además, no proporcionan ninguna facilidad para ser selectivo sobre las personas que estaban en comunicación con, aparte de la mensajería privada, por supuesto.

Una de las principales razones de la popularidad de las redes sociales de divisas entre los comerciantes en línea es que el comercio minorista de divisas es, por su propia naturaleza, una actividad solitaria. Sentarse solo en una computadora viendo noticias feeds y hacer oficios podría ser una forma muy rentable de pasar su tiempo, pero puede obtener un poco solitario. Las redes sociales permiten a los comerciantes conocer a otras personas que comparten su interés en el comercio de divisas, para que puedan comparar las notas, dar consejos y, en general, mantenerse mutuamente la empresa mientras que el comercio. Reunen gente de todo el mundo que no hubiera tenido la oportunidad de conocer de otra manera. Esto hace que su ubicación física sea mucho menos importante de lo que podría haber sido hace una década o dos.

Forex redes sociales sólo han estado con nosotros desde 2009, pero en ese momento han explotado en popularidad entre los comerciantes minoristas de divisas. Por el momento, las redes sociales de forex están limitadas por el ancho de banda, pero a medida que la tecnología mejora, puede esperar ver más y más características como videoconferencia y comunicación de voz. También puede esperar ver características como el comercio de grupo y aulas virtuales despegando de una manera grande. Muchas redes de forex ya ofrecen webinars donde los expertos comparten sus conocimientos con los comerciantes al por menor, y los miembros de la red pueden chip con preguntas y consejos propios. Éstos pueden ser una manera excelente de aumentar su conocimiento del comercio de la divisa, y hacer preguntas de la gente que usted sería inverosímil funcionar en en vida diaria. El formato de redes sociales permite a los comerciantes aprender de los errores del otro, así como sus éxitos, y expone a los usuarios a un montón de diferentes estilos comerciales. La tecnología de traducción es otra área en la que se están realizando grandes avances, y cuando se ha alcanzado la madurez completa, puede esperar ser capaz de comunicarse con los comerciantes de todo el mundo a través de redes forex, independientemente de la barrera del idioma.

Hay básicamente dos tipos de forex red social, los que son proporcionados por los corredores de Forex para el uso exclusivo de sus clientes, y los que están abiertos a cualquier persona. Ambos tipos tienen ventajas y desventajas inherentes. La principal ventaja de una red de divisas no independiente, es que todos los miembros están operando en la misma plataforma, por lo que pueden darse mutuamente más asesoramiento específico y pertinente en relación con el comercio a través de ese corredor. Por otra parte, estas redes tienden a tener menos miembros, y las discusiones sobre estas redes tienen necesariamente un alcance limitado. Además, parece que hay algo de un conflicto de intereses por parte del corredor que proporciona el servicio, aunque este problema no se limita necesariamente a las redes FX de marca. Para que una comunidad en línea sea un éxito, tiene que haber un grado de transparencia, y mientras que las comunidades con marca tienen que ser supervisadas por alguien del corredor en cuestión, en realidad tienden a tener poca o ninguna influencia sobre el contenido de La red, aparte de eliminar material potencialmente inflamatorio o agregar sus propias contribuciones.

Las redes sociales forex independientes tienen la ventaja intrínseca de que cualquier persona puede unirse a ellas, lo que significa que tienden a tener una membresía mucho más alta, dando a los usuarios un grupo mucho más grande de talento comercial para aprovechar. Sin embargo, esto puede ser una espada de doble filo, ya que una comunidad más grande no siempre es una comunidad más cercana, y puede ser más difícil forjar relaciones útiles en estos sitios. Además, mientras que las redes independientes pueden, en teoría, presumir un mayor grado de imparcialidad, el potencial de desinformación y publicidad encubierta es en muchos aspectos mayor.

Por lo tanto, debe unirse a una red social forex? La respuesta depende mucho de su personalidad y su nivel de participación en el mercado de Forex. Si sólo planea hacer el comercio especulativo de divisas especulativo, y no tienen ningún deseo de comunicarse con otros comerciantes, entonces puede no valer la pena. Sin embargo, si usted es relativamente serio sobre FX que negocia, y desea aprender tanto como usted puede sobre él, entonces se recomienda fuertemente que usted ensambla por lo menos una red social de la divisa. Por supuesto, siempre va a haber el peligro de que se le dará un mal consejo o una falsa sensación de seguridad al hacerlo, pero si usted entra en él con un grado sano de escepticismo, entonces usted tiene mucho que ganar al unirse a un Comunidad de comerciantes.

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El Social IB - La importancia de los medios de comunicación social en Forex

Publicado el 30 de octubre de 2017 por Ray Rosales 2017-11-02T20: 27: 49 + 00: 00

La esfera social ya no es sólo un lugar de residencia para las empresas virtuales. Una campaña de medios sociales es esencial para cualquier negocio.

Presencia en los medios sociales es algo que la gran mayoría de los clientes, jóvenes y viejos, han llegado a asociarse con un cierto nivel de éxito empresarial. Esto es similar a cómo los consumidores vieron un sitio web hace 10 años. La lógica fue, & # 8220; Si la empresa no tiene un sitio web, no debe ser muy exitoso. & # 8221;

La verdad es que los medios de comunicación social está arraigada en la mente de cualquier persona con una computadora o teléfono móvil y el acceso a la web. La gente la usa, la quiere, la espera - ¡así que usted, Sr. IB, necesita darla a ellos!

A pesar de que, en el pasado, la mayoría de las empresas de inversión se alejaban del marketing social a favor de un enfoque más conservador, ningún negocio de Forex moderno debería ignorar este nuevo mundo de gustos, más uno y re-acciones. De hecho, deben abrazarlo con los brazos abiertos y permitir que se convierta en una gran parte de sus esfuerzos de marketing.

Al discutir un plan de negocios con un corredor de introducción o proveedor de etiqueta blanca, enfatizamos fuertemente el uso de las redes de redes sociales. ¿Por qué? En la siguiente sección, proporcionaremos algunas estadísticas interesantes que harán que la razón sea más que obvia.

Estadísticas alarmantes de los medios sociales

Si YouTube era más popular que la televisión por cable, ¿su negocio de Forex se aprovecharía de ello? ¿Bien adivina que? Es. Aquí hay algunos hechos más sorprendentes de los medios sociales para 2017.

Más de 6 millones de horas de video se ven cada mes en YouTube (que es de 200 millones de horas cada día!) [1]. No hay duda de que los consumidores & # 8217; El hambre por el video es insaciable. Es por eso que desde 2011, más de la mitad del tráfico de Internet ha sido de vídeo, y Cisco predice que el tráfico total de vídeo se compone entre 80 a 90% de todo el tráfico de Internet de consumo para el año 2017 [2].

Facebook tiene 1,15 millones de usuarios activos mensuales a partir de junio de 2017 [3]. Para las empresas que utilizan Facebook, que es como casi tener otra China en sus manos. No es de extrañar que el 70% de las empresas dijeron que adquirieron un cliente a través de Facebook [4]. ¿Estaba su negocio del IB en este grupo afortunado también?

LinkedIn tiene más de 238 millones de miembros en más de 200 países y territorios de todo el mundo [5, 6]. A pesar de que no es Facebook, es una poderosa red de medios sociales utilizados para la red profesional que puede dar a las empresas un montón de visibilidad entre los consumidores y las empresas.

Los usuarios de Twitter normalmente envían más de 500 millones de Tweets (o mensajes cortos) al día (unos 5.700 Tweets por segundo), con un récord de 143.199 Tweets por segundo el 2 de agosto. 2017 durante una emisión del clásico del anime Castle in the Sky & # 8221; En Japón [7]. La característica de Twitter de mensajería instantánea hace que sea ideal para las empresas que quieren obtener una palabra rápida a sus clientes (como una recomendación del mercado o la convocatoria comercial). En consecuencia, no es ninguna sorpresa que la mitad de las compañías de tecnología encuestadas dijeron que habían adquirido un cliente a través de la red social [8].

Google+ es # 2 en la lista más activa de redes sociales con 318.4 millones de usuarios activos [9]. Sabiendo la importancia de las clasificaciones de Google en el éxito de un negocio, el 70% de las marcas tienen ahora una página de Google Plus [10]. A medida que la red social de una de las compañías más grandes del planeta juega a ponerse al día con Facebook, muchos expertos están apostando a este semental (así como nosotros).

69% de las marcas tienen presencia en Pinterest [11]. Esta propiedad de medios de comunicación social de rápido crecimiento es impulsada por la web visual, pero no es sólo para las imágenes. Al ser una de las principales redes sociales en términos de visitantes mensuales, más y más empresas de FX están notando y comenzando a Pin en forma regular.

Los usuarios de Instagram suben un promedio de 55M fotos al sitio cada día [12]. Es la publicación como un negocio en Instagram vale la pena? Facebook lo pensaba así cuando derrocharon unos mil millones de dólares en el hatchling social (en realidad fue de 715 millones de dólares cuando finalmente el acuerdo fue aprobado). La realidad es que esta aplicación de intercambio de fotos para móviles está aquí para quedarse - y muchas empresas están aprovechando la red social bajo utilizada para comercializar de manera creativa a su base de clientes.

Si usted no siente una fuerte necesidad de dar a su negocio IB un tiro de los medios de comunicación social en el brazo en este momento, entonces por favor, compruebe su pulso. Tal vez te hayamos perdido. Si todavía sientes un latido, entonces sigue leyendo.

¿Cómo deben usar los Medios de Comunicación los Corredores de Presentación?

Así que se venden en el marketing viral y las potencias de fortalecimiento de la marca de las redes sociales, pero se preguntan cómo empezar a utilizar eficazmente para su negocio FX?

El requisito previo es apostar su reclamación.

Antes de que incluso puedas empezar a ganar miles de seguidores en tu página de Google+ o conseguir infinitos gustos en tu publicación actual sobre la mejor manera de comerciar con NFP, tu empresa necesita existir en el universo social; Así que comience la colonización creando los perfiles sociales para su grupo.

& # 8220; ¿Cuántos perfiles sociales, & # 8221; ¿usted pregunta? Bueno, de acuerdo con Wikipedia & # 8217; s & # 8220; Lista de sitios de redes sociales, & # 8221; Hay 200 principales sitios de redes sociales activas en existencia [13]. Doscientos. Sí, pero no te preocupes. No queremos que pases horas interminables añadiendo logotipos, información de contratos, descripciones y publicaciones en 200 lugares diferentes. Eso será suficiente para tirar la toalla antes de que empieces. We only want you to focus on the networks mentioned in the prior statistics section: YouTube, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest.

But even maintaining seven social media business profile pages can feel like a full time job a times. If you do it correctly, it will require a lot of time and effort. Ideally, you should have experienced personnel specifically assigned to the task at hand – but if you don’t have this luxury out of the box, we suggest for you to develop your social media campaign one day at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed (maybe by focusing on just the top three or four social media networks). Once your business becomes more successful and you are able to allocate more resources to social marketing, you can run it on all cylinders.

After your business has planted its flag on the social media terrain, it’s time to do one more thing: engage your existing and future followers.

How do you get them interested enough to connect with you and become involved? Simple, offer them value and make yourself available to provide support (see our Forex IB Guide for more information or inquire about our business building tools and social media content for our partners if you need ideas). There is no magic. You need to go out of your way to provide your clients with services they truly treasure. If you don’t, why would they want to do business with you, or even follow you on Facebook or +1 your Google Plus blurb?

If you don’t find a way to inspire your customers, you’ll become just another boring IB trying to make a buck. They’ve seen too many of those already that they spot them a mile away. Be different!

If you follow the above advice and suggestions, your increased success via social media is almost guaranteed (a close third to death and taxes).

The Social IB – The Importance of Social Media in Forex Ray Rosales

IKOFX Social Network

Interested to get the latest updates on IKOFX? To connect with people interested with FOREX especially to our dear valued clients has been our priority, IKOFX joins various websites. Through this new world of connecting people, all persons can get real-time access and insightful information about IKOFX and the FOREX world. These various social websites give IKOFX the power to share and makes the world of FOREX more open and connected to all.

All company news, events, updates, incoming promos, bonuses and any latest developments and information about IKOFX will be seen under these social websites first hand, if not simultaneous with our main website. Real-time and relevant information about the FOREX market will also be posted by our highly-competent social media management team to help our valued clients obtain all information necessary in making their trading decisions.

Keep in touch with us by following us thru any of the following social websites and stay connected to get updates and latest events about IKOFX and latest FOREX news:

The official corporate blog of IKOFX has been set-up to provide everyone with updates about the latest events and happenings of IKOFX as well as keep them informed and posted about the FOREX market. Thru this blog, all our valued traders can get real-time access and insightful information first hand, if not simultaneous with IKOFX main site, about IKOFX and the FOREX world. This information includes but not limited to company news, incoming promos, bonuses, and everything about FOREX. Visit our official corporate blog at here .

To provide summarized yet comprehensive, reliable, up-to-date and instantaneous information about company events and happenings as well as the FOREX market to all our valued traders, IKOFX enters the world of twitting or micro-blogging with the most popular site under its genre, www. twitter. com. Follow us in Twitter thru here and you'll get all the latest information you need from us.

Keeping in touch and staying connected between our valued traders and IKOFX, and among traders themselves, IKOFX makes itself visible in the world’s most popular social networking website, www. facebook. com. In this manner IKOFX can bring together all our valued traders and/or any person interested with FOREX in one place and let them be acquainted with each other to share their great experienced with IKOFX. With this social network, you’ll have the chance to know IKOFX better and can communicate with us anytime. To connect and keep in touch with IKOFX, join us in facebook thru here .

With the most well-known business-oriented social networking site, IKOFX stays closer with the professionals, students and with business-minded persons who have the will to be successful in world of FOREX trading thru LinkedIn, here

Tag Archives: forex social network

Tradency is a provider of Forex Mirror Trading software that offers hundreds of different signal providers to choose from to have trades automatically executed. These signal providers are professional traders with documented historical performance with a variety of different strategies and risk tolerances. This video provides an overview of the Tradency platform and a guide to analyzing and selecting different strategies.

Mirror Trading is a method that allows traders in the forex market to select a trading strategy and automatically copy or mirror the trades executed by the selected signal providers and place those trades in the traders account automatically. Traders can select strategies that match their personal preferences such as risk tolerance amd trade frequency. This video is as an introduction to Mirror Trading and how it is used by people who want to trade Forex but may not necessarily have the time or skills.

June 16, 2010 10:10 ET

Currensee Forex Social Network Grows Roster of Supported Brokers

Alpari UK, Ava FX, Easy Forex and FX Pro Traders Can Now Join the Currensee Trader Network

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - June 16, 2010) - Currensee, Inc. (www. currensee. com ), the first Forex trading social network connecting traders from around the world based on real-time trades, today announced the addition of four new brokers to its roster. These new relationships enable traders who have accounts with Alpari UK, Ava FX, Easy Forex and FX Pro to join Currensee for free and link their live brokerage accounts.

"We are proud to add these four brokers to the Currensee list of supported brokers," said Currensee co-founder Asaf Yigal. "We couldn't do what we do without strong relationships with Forex brokers and these new partnerships enable a whole new group of traders to take advantage of the Currensee trader network."

Currensee brings trust and transparency to Forex trading by sharing real-time information on the actual trades its members are making. To join, members create a Currensee profile and link their live Forex brokerage account. As a member of the Currensee trading social network, traders continue to execute trades as they always would through their broker and can now measure their performance, share real-time trade data and collaborate with others in a completely transparent way as a member of Currensee.

"We are thrilled to partner with Currensee and to provide our traders with access to the Currensee trader network," said Ava FX CEO Emanuel Kronitz. "Ava FX is dedicated to creating an exceptional Forex trading experience, and our relationship with Currensee gives our traders access to a unique Forex social network and the ability to connect with a wide variety of traders from around the world. It is a great compliment to our services."

About Currensee Currensee. com brings trust and transparency to retail Forex trading. The Currensee trading social network connects retail Forex traders from around the world so they can see each other's actual trades and share trading strategies in real-time to make more informed trade decisions. Currensee traders from over 80 countries have become members of the trading social network and linked their live brokerage accounts with one of the 100+ brokers supported by the platform. The unique Currensee Market Watch Social Indicators™ aggregate the wisdom of the network and deliver social trade data and a new way to look at the market. Currensee is funded by North Bridge Venture Partners, Egan-Managed Capital and Vernon & Park Capital and is a member of the National Futures Association. For more information, visit us at www. currensee. com. Fan us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and watch us on YouTube.

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The forex trading social network (podcast)

On Tradestreaming Radio, we’re interviewing lots of innovative entrepreneurs, investors, and researchers all trying to make investors better at what they do. Check out our archives. Subscribe on iTunes .

Today’s guest on Tradestreaming Radio is Dave Lemont, CEO of social network forex trading platform, Currensee. com Currensee was founded on the assumption that the traditional way forex traders shared and learned from one another — the message boards — was broken.

Enter the social network for currency traders. First, Currensee required that all members open an active trading account, allowing the company to audit results. From there, the company introduced auto-trading, the ability to link a user’s account to another’s and have all trading replicated. Experts — trade leaders — bubble up and make money by helping others make money.

We’ll see how the company evolved and how forex traders are using new media to book profits for their own accounts and enable others to do the same.

Timing is good — Currensee announced the unveiling of its Currensee Portfolio Builder™ at finance-tech conference, FinovateSpring2011. The company announced today:

Portfolio Builder will give investors the ability to assess and manage potential performance and risk before investing. The Currensee Portfolio Builder gives investors access to an innovative, real-time graphical display that helps them build, preview and test different investment scenarios so they can create balanced and diversified portfolios.

Listen to the whole program

More resources

Even more resources

Tradeo Forex brokers

Tradeo is the only cross-broker, cross-platform social trading network connecting traders and brokers worldwide. Launched in April 2012, Tradeo uniquely offers community-sourced, global data feeds and sophisticated trading analytics which combine to enable traders to make decisions based on the community’s wide-ranging insight and experience. It is the only social network to offer rich and real-time market sentiment, along with aggregated user information.

At Tradeo, ‘Social Trading’ means empowering traders by combining online tools with collaboration and transparency, enabling the free and convenient exchange of insights between users worldwide absent any restrictions to either the markets being traded or the brokers being utilized. It’s about learning more efficiently, having fun, and supporting each other.

Tradeo has combined the ideal social trading toolbox with an advanced synergistic trading system. The ‘Cloud Trader’ following platform contains a dynamic leverage system, ensuring that a leader’s strategies, not solely his positions, are copied. A maximum stop-loss system ceases copying trades if the leader’s strategy loses a pre-determined amount.

Think about how cool that is. Instead of being locked by the trade following process into duplicating all of a leader’s trades, this sophisticated new system identifies the underlying strategy, continuously analyzes its performance, and automatically quits when it hits a loss limit that you specify. No one else is doing this…

Tradeo continually solicits community feedback and maintains a firm commitment to creating a revolutionary social trading application that traders actually want to use.

Forex Brokers currently supported by Tradeo

Tradeo is a broker in their own right now; you don't need to open up an account at any of the other companies listed. It is amazing to be able to see what other traders are doing. I was given free training by an experienced trader and now I know what I'm doing and I'm making lots of money. I would have been so lost if I just tried to learn by reading free website.


January 19, 2017

Base on my personal account I have only good experience with Tradeo. They are actually one of the friendliest chat support I ever dealt with. They always offer bonuses when I deposit money, and they give me help and advice with my trading. I also love the social trading feature that they have because I can easily make direct comparison of my trades from other brokers all around the globe.

I think people should not be puzzled at all when they receive phone calls from account managers when they decided to give their phone numbers and ask for a call back.

Write your comment or a review

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Estas son algunas buenas razones:

Ayuda a los motores de búsqueda a encontrar su sitio web para que puedan indexarlo más rápido

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Puede generar cables de alta calidad para su negocio

Le ayuda a construir su marca

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eToro forex broker improvments

eToro is a big trading social network. It has about 1.5 million traders around the globe. eToro is a continually growing platform that caters all the requirements and trend in the Forex markets. Why do you need a pro-active social network for investment? As per eToro, claim you always need unique network structure, whether you are a new trader or experienced successful trader, it is equally beneficial for both.

If you are a new trader you will get an opportunity to network as well as learn the trade’ tools, whereas. experienced trader will earn public recognition along with bragging rights for the sake of accomplishment. This approach is unusual but effective for you.

eToro has developed almost all the tools for taking a massive audience from Facebook to other incentive programs for recommendation. Within five years eToro has become world’ largest investment network. eToro designs every feature, section and product keeping in mind customers’ necesariamente.

eToro focus two main things to Forex trading, one is simplicity, and the other is transparency, whereas other complicated platforms and services may turn some market player particularly new trader, off from the market forever. EToro friendly customer service and simple design sets a stage for you to delightful trading experience.

Key Feature of eToro – etoro improvements

eToro provide you featuring articles, learning centers, lessons, resource centers and webinars in Forex trading. eToro’ learning centers provides its members all necessary information, who intend to start and also who are interested to improve their performance. By this guideline you can be a power player within a short period of time.

eToro gives access to free of cost “practice account” to its new users, you can learn ins & outs of Forex’ trading by these practice accounts. Practice account is necessary for you especially when you are a newcomer. eToro also help you when you are out and provide Mobile Trader Application for you. Android users could access almost all popular features of eToro with real activity updates, like breaking news about markets, portfolio access and placing trades by smart phone.

Once you get eToro system’s hang, you can get access to its service’ popular features, such as “Guru Finder” from where social networking really starts working for you. The ‘Guru” which is the best trader on eToro is completely searchable for you. You can easily find the “Guru” whose portfolio and practices most seem appealing to you, once you get done with finding now you follow the “guru’s” ocupaciones. It is like Twitter ‘News Feed’ on Facebook and ‘Followers List’ on Twitter.

The Forex market would not sound so cold and ruthless when once you realize that you’re not alone in it. Once you get “Guru”, then you are able to have access to unique features of eToro and when you establish a position for your own funds you may copy “guru’s” behaviors and movements.

It is recommended you that always control your destiny and make own decisions. Make your personal profiles and inform the community of eToro about yourself.

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What is Social Trading Forex

What is Social Trading Forex

Forex is an acronym for Foreign exchange.

Social trading refers to a process in which online financial investors gather information from various web applications for financial analysis and acquiring decisions.

Moving away from the traditional manual way of analyzing financial data, social data brings out a new way of carrying out analysis of financial data.

History of Social Trading Forex

Financial trading before the world of social media arrived used to be limited to the trader and his or her broker.

This was commonly carried out in physical locations like bourses and exchanges where traders and clients exchanged market information and privileges.

There were no online social trading networks. People or clients followed traders using newsletters.

With time, manual systems where phased out and electronic trading was adopted in which traders and clients met virtually.

Introduction of the Internet

The Internet has transformed Forex trading with the introduction of electronic trading.

The capability to share knowledge and information was seen as a bonus and a new source of data to trade.

Traders have taken it as a new reliable source of information, which looks at financial, economical and technical all in the one place.

It is therefore self evident that Forex trading has shifted from a single source of finalical information, to a social network with information coming from multiples sources all at once.

Social Networks

With the introduction of Twitter. Facebook and the overwhelming number of Web 2.0 sites the Forex trading industry where very early adaptors.

These social networks are easily accessible by all traders no matter how big or small they are.

It doesn’t matter if you are a home trader or a huge company these social networks have helped to level the playing field some.

In the past, traders and investors would have been making investment decisions through mainly fundamental, economical and technical analysis, alone.

With the advent of the online social network, investors have shifted their attention to the use of social indicators that are fed by transparent real time trading data feeds.

The data feed reflects all the users in the social trading network.

As part of a trader’s analysis of the data feed of other users, this integration is termed as social financial analysis.

Scholars have termed these social trading networks as a sub-unit of online social networks, which is the greater domain.

Key features of Social Trading Forex.

The following are some of the key features that social trading Forex has;

Information Flow –

Which involves circulation of information between individual financial investors. Thus, flow of information in the social trading forex network is paramount as far as traders and investors are concerned. Investors use the information to ascertain whether to invest on the business or not.

Cooperative Trading –

Financial trading to some small extent lacks opportunity to bring together traders and clients to work together as a team. But social trading forex provides opportunity to work together as a team. This can allow traders to collaborate on markets, whether by pooling funds or resources, dividing research or sharing information.

Social trading forex serves many purposes in the business of investing for the traders.

It allows traders who wish to conduct or carry out a business online with the aid of others.

Also social trading forex as a whole shortens the learning curve or path from beginner to novice to expert in trading Forex.

The Advantage of Social Interatction

Another advantage is that traders have the ability to interact with others.

See others as they carry out their businesses and then replicate their buy and sell orders.

They can learn and see why a certain trader can be termed a top performer and why they decided to take that trade in the first place.

Through the business mind of Copy Trading. traders are able to ascertain which strategies or techniques work and which ones don’t.

This will help avoid taking risks where traders might lose their money.

Also social trading forex as a whole shortens the learning curve or path from beginner to novice to expert in trading Forex.

This helps in safeguarding your whole portfolio as a trader.

It has then emerged that the number of platforms in which you are able social trade is increasing.

It is assumed to have been the trigger for a positive shift in the interest of social trading forex.

The majority of these businesses are intermediaries or brokers.

Brokers are using the social trading networks in making two ends meet.

They use them as a tool for converting new members into clients and retaining old clients.

More traders and clients are thus seen participating in the market.


Social trading is just starting to take a foothold in the Forex trading community allowing new traders to enter the market.

New traders with little or no experience can now start to make some extra money and begin a new career in Forex trading.

Like all things you need to have some knowledge of good and bad parts. If you are interest in social trading forex check out our ebook to help give you a head start and avoid some of the pitfalls.

If you liked this article please share us with your favorite social media site or send it onto a friend.

RISK DISCLOSURE: Trading foreign exchange carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage available can magnify profits and as well as loses. Usted puede perder más que su depósito inicial. Before trading, please carefully consider the risks and inherent costs and seek independent advice as required.

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Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this website are provided as general market commentary, and do not constitute investment advice. My Forex Office is not liable for any loss or damage, including without limitation, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. My Forex Office has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on the website. El contenido de este sitio web está sujeto a cambios en cualquier momento sin previo aviso.

Trading Forex Online? Forex Social Trading Networks

Forex online has become popular in the last couple of years. The online platforms are more user-friendly today than they were years ago. They provide the users on the platform with tools that can be useful in finding pips that can gain a profit.

As a beginner and less experienced in the Forex market it can be difficult to find an entry point and exit point. It can also be difficult to find which currency pair that is in an up-trend and which one that is in a down-trend. Even with the tools the platforms offer it can be difficult and time-consuming to learn the various tools to know. In addition, it also requires some knowledge to choose the right one that fits in the actual market situation.

This is properly one reason Forex social trading networks have become popular. The networks are a part of the online platform and the purpose is to share information, follow and copy trades.

One benefit from a Social network is copying others trade and being copied. Another benefit is the knowledge and skills they obtain from the trader information they share.

Forex is analyzing the market. Is the currency curve moving up or down? It’s the same problem when a member of a Forex network copying another member’s trade . Instead of analyzing the currency curve is it the members’ performance curves. When a member is analyzing a member’s performance curve he will look at whether there are stable earnings and whether it has been up-ward for the last 3 to 6 months. The information is usually in percentage and therefore it is important to include the number of trades that have been made during the same period as the percentage represent.

Analyzing others performance in a Forex social net is also called social financial analysis. It is important to understand how to analyze the performance as it is similar to analyzing the trend in the market. The purpose is to find pips that gain a profit.

It is also important to understand that being a part of a Forex Social trading network and coping others trades has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. It is necessary to be aware of the risks. One way to minimize the risk is to start with a small amount of money and then increase the money amount. In other words place 2 or 3 percentage of the investment capital on a Copy Trade and if the trader that is being copied generates a continuous profit increase the percentage of the investment capital.

Corredores Noticias

Trader Connect - Alpari UK's Useless Social Trading Network

The bigger emphasis modern society puts on networking and crowd-sourcing, the more I get convinced that social trading is not a fleeting phenomenon and has a lot of potential for development.

While there are still many brokers that don't offer signal trading or social trading platforms, most of them have already jumped that wave – with Alpari UK being the last one to announce some news on its social trading offering.

The broker's customers can already sign up for the Alpari's own Trader Connect platform and start sharing insight and signals with the other users. So far the platform only has 70 registered users but that makes sense – Alpari hasn't really rang any bells about its social network and it might take a while until it gets popular (if it ever does).

The look and feel of Trader Connect resemble these of FX Junction (in fact, the platform might as well be a white label of FX Junction) – each trader has a profile with their stats displayed for the others to judge whether it is worthy to follow them and copy their signals (these are two separate functions, though – keep a note of that).

Copying signals is free of charge and anyone can copy everyone – the network lacks proper selection processes for signal providers. This could be a problem for newbies who don't know how to read and interpret the other users' profiles. Other networks, such as FXSTAT, are way more advanced in that matter – but then again, that is why they charge for the signals, while Trader Connect remains completely free of charge.

Some of the advantages of Trader Connect are the fact that it analyzes the users' activities to give them better insight about what they're doing right or wrong. The option to make trades straight from the platform is also neat (for that, you need to be logged to your MT4 terminal, though).

Despite the network's benefits, however, I can't help but wonder why on Earth would Alpari go ahead and introduce a platform like that? It already offers signal trading via ZuluTrade and Tradency 's Mirror Trader – these two are definitely superior to Trade Connect and offer a far more sophisticated service.

Furthermore, I fail to see the reasoning behind brokers creating their own, “closed” Plataformas de negociación. To me, this simply takes to “social” out of “social/trading” and is as pointless as creating Facebook that is only available to people of your company (and every company having a Facebook of its own).

About Alpari

Founded in 1998, the international Alpari brand is one of the leading names in online Forex trading and was recently listed as the world's third largest broker in a 2012 report from online financial portal Forex Magnates, with an average monthly trading volume of more than 200 billion US dollars.

Alpari has earned the trust of hundreds of thousands of clients in more than 150 countries across the world, thanks in large part to its reputation for delivering high-quality products and top-notch customer support. The Alpari brand is represented in many of the world's leading centers of commerce, with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Dubai, Frankfurt and Moscow.

More news about Alpari

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Los últimos corredores de la divisa

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente a su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

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Social Networks Can Predict Behavior of Markets

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Friday, 27 June 2017 0 comments

Analysis of the records of Twitter users enables to predict the movement of market indices with 70 percent accuracy, Russian economists discovered. It turns out that psychological state of people closely related with their economic behavior. Thus, an abundance of tweets with the words "fear", "excitement" and "hope" foreshadows the imminent downtrend of market quotes.

For the first time the idea to predict the movement of the stock markets by using social media appeared in economists’ minds a few years ago.

In 2010, economists at Indiana University compared the change in the collective mood of Twitter users within 10 months of 2008 and the dynamics of the Dow Jones industrial average (DJIA). It turned out that there is a connection between emotional state of bloggers and behavior of index. In 87.6% of cases, worsening the mood of bloggers, which scientists determined by keywords, led to a drop in DJIA.

However, the scientists themselves are then said that the creation of a model to predict the rise or fall of the market was not their main purpose.

Russian economists from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow decided to improve the tools of their American colleagues and created its own algorithm for predicting the movements of stock indices.

Today, the level of Internet penetration in the world's largest economy . the United States, is 78.3%. The active network users are typically active market players and consumers, that is, they have a great impact on the economy. And most of them share plans, dreams and hopes in social networks.

If you find the right tool for the analysis of the collective mood, then it is possible to predict economic behavior . the scientists explain.

For the analysis of the psychological state of the market players . Russian economists, like their American counterparts, have chosen the largest social network Twitter.

Over the past few years since the last study, the number of Twitter users greatly increased. If scientists from the University of Indiana analyzed a total of about 10 million tweets written in 10 months, the Russian economists have studied about 290 million messages, written in the period from February to September 2017.

Through the new algorithm it is possible to analyze all tweets in two days. But the main innovation of economists is that the new algorithm is more fully and accurately could identify the emotional coloring of words.

This algorithm is able to recognize the words written even with grammatical errors, for example, "happyy" instead of "happy".

It is based on "sentiment scale," which allows to relate each word to one of eight different states (happiness, love, peace, activity, fear, anger, sadness or fatigue). For every mood was formed a special dictionary.

All tweets were sorted by day of posting. The algorithm then calculates the daily frequency of using such words as "concern", "hope" and "fear", and their synonyms. They then compared these figures with the movement of stock indices (using data at the time of opening and closing of market).

The accuracy of the predictions was 70% for DJIA and 56,08% for NASDAQ .

Scientists believe that in the future the accuracy of the predictions can be improved. To do this, they are going to enter into the analysis another criterion - the "weight" of words. For example, the weight of the word "fear" in order to predict the movement of an index is clearly more than the weight of its synonym "cowardice".

Twitter is not the only source of information on which it’s possible to predict a future market decline. In April this year was published a work, in which authors suggest to use a Google search query to predict falls of stock indices.

Economists from Boston University . along with several colleagues, analyzed data on Google search requests from 2004 to 2011 and the state of the economy. Researchers found that the increasing number of queries containing the word "shares", "economy", "debt" and others like them can predict the fall of indices . Conversely, the decline in the number of queries on economic issues could be followed by improving of economic performance.

Methods for predicting market movements by the activity of users in the Internet are still far from ideal. However, investment funds are increasingly paying attention to them. Several funds have already tested the technology of analysis by using Twitter. At the beginning of 2017 even appeared experimental Derwent Capital Market foundation, which invested relying only on the data of social network. Though it worked for only a month and its yield was 1.86%.

It is possible that the Forex market is also suitable for this kind of analysis but at the moment we suggest proven ways that you can find in our section of Forex Recommendations >>>

Laino Group número de registro 21973 IBC 2017. Advertencia de riesgo: Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de productos apalancados puede implicar un nivel significativo de riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, asegúrese de comprender los riesgos involucrados y tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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Software News

11 Social Trading Networks You Wouldn't Want to Miss

Social trading is the new big thing in the forex world – and it only makes sense for it to be so. On one hand, forex trading is quite lucrative with its promise of high and fast profits; on the other hand, people as species are getting more spoiled by technology and this makes them lazier – so taking advantage of the wisdom of the crowds is the most logical thing to do.

The social trading trend is developing at a lightning speed and we can already see a significant number of different networks dedicated to the foreign currency exchange markets. Some are free, others are paid; some support numerous brokers, others focus on a single one or just a few; some networks have criteria for selecting their leaders, others let anyone have followers and provide trading signals.

To help you find your way and figure out which social trading network best suits your needs, I have prepared an overview of the most popular networks and platforms. Enjoy!

Zulutrade is one of the pioneers in signal trading – the platform has a long track record of success. What makes it a preferred place for trading signals is its high compatibility with almost 50 brokers.

- Supported brokers: Zulutrade is integrated with 48 brokers, including FXCM, 4xp, ThinkForex and its own AAAFx.

- Fees: Signal providers get paid 0.5 pips for each traded lot of their signals. The commissions that followers have to pay are different depending on the broker, and range from 0 to 3.2 pips per standard lot.

- Leader selection: Anyone can become a signal provider but there is a list of strict criteria for leaders to comply with.

Collective2 is a platform for traders to publish and follow different trading strategies – up to date the site’s library offers over 19,000 pre-made systems and strategies available for the general public.

- Supported brokers: FXCM, Forex. com, OpenECry, FX Solutions, GFT, Interactive Brokers and MB Trading.

- Fees: Leaders who want to offer a trading system pay an annual fee of $196 and the additional sum of $88 for every system added within one month of the first one. Collective2 also gets keeps 30% of all subscription profit. Followers pay system subscription fees, determined by the system publishers.

- Leader selection: Anyone can publish a system.

Tradeo is a relatively young social trading network but it’s quickly gaining a great number of users because it’s extremely light and user-friendly.

- Supported brokers: Currently, 51 brokers are supported but more can be added upon request.

- Fees: None whatsoever.

- Leader selection: No restrictions. You can browse through the profiles of all the other users of the platform and decide which ones to follow.

Myfxbook is not the typical social trading network where you can follow and copy the trades of the others; instead of letting you follow blindly, it helps you improve your own skills by analyzing your trades and offering vast educational resources along with message boards.

- Supported brokers: Myfxbook supports over 100 brokers and the following platforms: MT4, MT5, FXCM’s Trading Station and Strategy Trader, and Oanda’s fxTrade and fxTrade Practice

- Fees: None. The platform is available for free.

- Leader selection: n/a

FX Junction is a trading social network that resembles Twitter and Facebook – it has user profiles, live feed and “Follow” feature. The platform lets you select people to follow and copy their trades either manually or automatically.

- Supported brokers: All brokers offering the MT4 platform.

- Fees: Most of FX Junction’s services are provided free of charge. You only need to pay a commission for using the site’s auto-copy feature and that commission is $10/standard log (this commission is divided between the signal provider and the platform).

- Leader selection: None – anyone can provide signals. Obviously, the better signals you provide, the more follower you attract and the higher you’re ranking.

IBFX Connect is a skin of FX Junction, designed for the customers of IBFX. The network has more than 13,000 registered users who share experience and insights on forex trading.

- Supported brokers: IBFX

- Fees: The services of IBFX Connect are 100% free of charge

- Leader selection: There are no specific criteria for becoming a signal provider. Each user can review the profiles of the other members and choose which ones to follow and copy.

FX Copy is a social network launched by the Australian broker Enfinium in co-operation with VantageFX and Go Markets. Just like IBFX Connect, FX Copy is powered by the FX Junction technology.

- Supported brokers: Enfinium, Go Markets, VantageFX

- Leader selection: No restrictions, everyone is eligible for providing signals and getting followers.

eToro is one of the large forex brokers on the market and OpenBook is its social trading platform.

- Supported brokers: eToro

- Fees: Signal followers are not being charged for copying trades, however the so called Gurus (e. g. verified signal providers) receive payments in the form of bonuses. The bonus sizes vary according to the number of followers a Guru has.

- Leader selection: On OpenBook anyone can be a leader but in order to become a Guru, you need to comply with a set of requirements: hold a verified eToro account, make your performance public, build a credibility network and get at least 10 other traders to copy your actions.

FXSTAT is a forex analytics provider where traders can follow, copy and provide signals. What sends FXSTAT way ahead of other social networks is its draconian screening process for approving signal providers – and while its services are paid, users simply know what they’re paying for.

- Supported brokers: The platform supports any MT4 broker, as well we FXCM’s Active Trader and Trading Station.

- Fees: Followers pay different fees for signals, depending on the instruments and volumes they trade (the fees range from $8 to $11 per lot). These fees are then divided equally between FXSTAT and the signal providers.

- Leader selection: In order to be selected as a signal provider, traders much comply with the following conditions: have a live trading account with proven good performance; verify their FXSTAT accounts; have minim 10-15% annual ROI; utilize a stop loss for every trade; demonstrate trading discipline, etc.

The social tab is a new feature for the web-based trading platform provider Sirix. It is integrated in the Sirix WebTrader and is super easy to access. A downside is that it’s still pretty new and not too many traders use it.

- Supported brokers: Brokers using the Sirix WebTrader platform (i. e. youtradeFX, CeasarTrade, etc.)

- Leader selection: Liberal – everyone is can be followed by anyone.

Currensee is a popular social trading network that lets traders from all over the world share trading tips and analyze trends. In order to take advantage of the network’s services, you pay a fee but all the leaders there are handpicked to make sure you are paying for quality insight.

- Supported brokers: FXCM, FXDD, directFX, Alpari, Markets. com, Admiral Markets, CityFX Pro, ForexYard, AvaTrade, and Institutional Liquidity.

- Fees: If you are a signal provider, you receive 15% of the realized profit of your followers. Followers, on the other hand, pay two types of fees – service fee and success fee. The service fee is annual and constitutes 2% of you average account balance. The success fee amount is 20% of the net profit you generate by getting a leader’s trades copied into your account.

- Leader selection: As I said, signal providers are handpicked by Currensee. Viable candidates must meet certain criteria – for example 6 months of consistent profitable performance, proper risk management, etc.

This list of social trading networks is far from comprehensive but in my opinion these are the platforms worth giving a try. Whichever one you pick, keep in mind that it is always best to invest time and effort into understanding the financial markets and developing your own trading strategies, rather than blindly trusting the crowd.

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Los últimos corredores de la divisa

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente a su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

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Social investing to FOREX

Ready to become part of a unique Forex trading social network?

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Currensee is the first social network for real Forex traders, and now it’s the first social network to give its trader members real rewards. As a member of Currensee, you can earn Currensee Bucks and redeem them for valuable Forex-related products and services. When you use Currensee to open your account, you accrue Bucks when you trade so you’ll earn rewards even faster.

When you open and fund a new account, we thank you with up to 75 Currensee Bucks per account. Open a new account and start earning Currensee rewards.

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Please find the list of Forex forums, clubs and blogs, where you can communicate and share your experience with other traders from all over the world:

$10 Bonus in social network

1. General provisions

1.1. The campaign shall be termed as “Bonus in Social Networks” (further referred to as “the Campaign”). 1.2. The Campaign is organized by Miki Forex (referred to as “the Organizer”). 1.3. The Organizer shall reserve the right to finish the Campaign at any moment without giving participants prior notice.

2. Campaign Participants

2.1. Any person of the age of 18 years or upwards who has a real trading account in Miki Forex and active profile in Facebook may take part in the Campaign (further referred to as a “Participant”). 2.2. At registration, the Participant agrees to provide true information as follows: Participant’s full name as set in his testimonial, active contact email address and a link to his social network profile. 2.3. The Organizer shall reserve the right to reject a Participant’s application for the Campaign without any explanation. 2.4. By submitting an application for the Campaign, the Participant acknowledges and agrees with terms and conditions of the Campaign.

3. The Campaign conditions

3.1. The Participant shall be entitled to get a bonus (further referred to as “the Bonus”) for becoming a friend of Miki Forex in Facebook (https://www. facebook. com/profile. php? id=100004745564935 ) and "Like" Miki Forex page here: https://www. facebook. com/mikiforex. hebrew . 3.2. To get the Bonus, the Participant shall submit a request in a private message in the social network to Miki Forex in Facebook (referred to as “the Administrator”). After the application has been considered, the Participant will receive a notification by e-mail the about crediting the Bonus to his trading account. 3.3. To open an account, the Participant shall follow the link: http://my. mikiforex. com/my-office/register . The Bonus will not be credited to any account opened otherwise. 3.4. In case the Participant has unfriended or unfollowed the Administrator in Facebook or his profile has become non-active, the Organizer shall be entitled to deny the Bonus and/or cancel the deposited Bonus. 3.5. Depending on a number of requests received, it may take the Administrator up to 7 working days to consider a request for the Bonus.

4.1. The amount of Bonus is 10 USD. 4.2. The Participant can receive one-time bonus to any of trading accounts. 4.3. The Bonus will be deposited to the Participant’s trading account provided the account has funds not less than 20 USD. 4.4. The Bonus can be charged from the trading account after completing 3 standard lots. The total volume of transactions made on the trading account of the Participant shall be determined for the period from the date of the initial deposit and up to the end of 12 months. 4.5. If during the period of one year from the date of the Bonus deposit the Participant will withdraw funds, but at the time of withdrawal will not make complete transactions in accordance with the amount of deposited Bonus, the Bonus amount will be reduced in proportion to the invested funds, taking into consideration the withdrawn amount. ​4.6. In case the Organizer has discovered any fraudulent strategies used on the Bonus account, the Organizer shall be entitled to cancel the deposited Bonus and any Bonus-related profit resulting from these strategies.

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Risk Disclaimer: Trading with leverage is a high-risk activity. Sus pérdidas potencialmente pueden exceder su depósito inicial. Before you start trading, you should completely understand the risks involved with the currency market and be aware of your level of experience in trading.

All financial activity of company Miki Forex Ltd. is completely transparent for inspection and regulated by Israel Ministry of Finance.

Social Networking

What is 'Social Networking'

Social networking is the use of internet-based social media programs to make connections with friends, family, classmates, customers and clients. Social networking can be done for social purposes, business purposes or both. The programs show the associations between individuals and facilitate the acquisition of new contacts. Examples of social networking have included Facebook, LinkedIn, Classmates. com and Yelp.

BREAKING DOWN 'Social Networking'

Social networking programs group individuals by interests, hometowns, employers, schools and other commonalities. Social networking is also a significant target area for marketers seeking to engage users.

How Social Media Affects The Forex Market

The Forex market . as you probably know by now, is the biggest market in the world. Yet, somehow, the average citizen, who is quite familiar with the Stock Market, has never heard of the Forex market. When you tell them Forex means the same as foreign exchange, you generally get a response similar to “Ohhh” followed by a “And what is that”?

With the size of the Forex market, and its potential for profit, you would expect it to be a much more popular and familiar market to the masses. A possible explanation of this phenomenon can be the fact that it was originally inaccessible to the average person, and only in the last decade has the Forex retail market taken off.

Having said that, the Forex market has managed to gain more exposure over the last year or two, especially on the global Web. This can be attributed mainly to social media and the presence of Forex brokers and traders on the various social networks.

It is true that the amount of Forex content on the Web continues to grow, but the way in which the primary Forex players make use of social media leaves much room for improvement. The three main social networks used in the Web community are of course Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

While LinkedIn and Twitter have an infrastructure in place enabling people to connect with others in their field, Facebook is intended more for people to connect with friends and relatives. The reason I say this is because, Forex as an industry is more suitable for the LinkedIn and Twitter environment then the Facebook one. It is true that there is the occasional Forex Facebook page offering Forex content, but both the contributor and the recipient of the content will benefit more from Twitter and LinkedIn and all the features they offer.

Although Twitter and LinkedIn might be better for Forex, all three social networks can be utilized to distribute Forex content, whether in the form of Forex news, Forex analysis, articles, or even signals. Social media, in general, is an unprecedented tool in its efficiency and effectiveness when it comes to exposure and communication.

Let’s examine how people and Forex companies are benefiting from the world of social media.


Before we discuss how Forex and Facebook merge, let’s take a quick look at the statistics of the largest social network on the Web. Facebook now has over 250 million users worldwide. As for content, over 1 billion new content pieces are uploaded weekly. Wouldn’t you say such numbers would yell to Forex traders all over the world to use this platform and connect with other traders?

On the other hand, Facebook was always intended not as a corporate platform but rather a place to connect on a more personal basis, so it is not as ideal as some of the other sites out there. Some of the Forex tools you might come across on Facebook include Forex groups, Forex pages, Forex traders, and Forex signals. I for one have not been exposed to any Facebook spam on the Forex topic, something I wish I could say about the Forex presence on Twitter.

As of today, Facebook is mainly used by Forex players to spread content, accumulate fans of pages, and share signals. With the advanced API and the ability to develop Facebook applications, the Facebook potential for the Forex world is much greater than what is being utilized today.


If you have been paying attention, or even if you have not, you have most probably heard the word Twitter in one context or another. It is the buzz word of the tech industry and the global Web. Everyone is talking about how Twitter is the ultimate tool when it comes to exposure, networking, and communication, yet somehow, the Forex players cannot get it right.

It is true that there are endless Twitter accounts that offer Forex content. However, generally speaking, Forex has become a word with very negative associations on Twitter, due to the tremendous number of Forex spammers on Twitter.

I recently read an article about the main Twitter spammers, and right on top of the list, above the pornography industry and the multi level marketing schemes, sat a proud mention of the Forex market. Not only are the major players missing out on a great opportunity with Twitter, they are also destroying the market’s reputation as a serious trading arena similar to equities and stocks.

In fact, when I first opened the DailyForex Twitter account, I was stunned to discover how almost none of our followers were interested in communicating. In fact, they were unable to communicate since their tweets (updates) were being generated automatically by what is known as bots, completely missing the point of Twitter.

The content being shared by most Twitter accounts is promotional. They are trying to sell Forex software or robots, and from the short research I have done, are not seeing results. Twitter is about communicating, two way dialog, not selling something and not spamming other users.

The potential in Twitter and its use in the Forex world is literally endless. Brokers can use it to offer special bonuses to their followers, while listening and communicating with their customers as part of their customer service efforts. Online Forex portals can share their insights in the form of news, analysis, articles, or reviews of Forex products with their followers, and pay attention to their users and how they suggest improving the service.

Traders can use Twitter to communicate with other traders, and make use of others’ experience and expertise in one aspect of Forex trading or another. The platform to connect to others like you is available; people just need to learn how to use it.

Like I said, the potential is endless, but as of now, the most important thing is for the Forex players to stop thinking “Sell, sell, sell” and start thinking “Share, communicate, and listen”.


If Facebook is for personal use, LinkedIn targets the corporate world. LinkedIn, with its 17 million visits per day, is the perfect place to expand your Forex reach, and so far, out of the three social networks, it is the only one that comes close, and is on the right path.

All the major experts in the Forex world run and maintain active profiles on LinkedIn, in which they share their insights and tips for other traders to see. Many big names in the Forex brokers’ arena have a serious presence on LinkedIn. Most of them have a group, in which they share all the details of their offering, content, as well as the latest developments in the market in general, and their company specifically.

However, the most important contribution of LinkedIn to the Forex world are the tens of Forex groups, which offer a perfect and spam-free (almost) environment for traders, brokers, and Forex companies to connect and communicate with one another.

As for Forex content, one of the best places to share your Forex articles or reviews are LinkedIn groups mainly because the members of the group are truly interested in Forex, and you are not posting an update for all your friends to see or tweeting something to thousands of people who do not even know what Forex is.

The audience is focused and the platform is designated for people who want to hear what you have to say. The bottom line is, while LinkedIn might not be the most user friendly or easy to use of the social networks, it is by far the most suitable for Forex updates.

In conclusion, social media has become one of, if not the biggest trend on the Web since its invention, and with the potential for profit in the Forex market, there is no reason these two superpowers should not join forces. The Forex world as a whole seems to have taken notice to the world of social media; you can find a Forex presence on any one of the social networks. However, as of now, the potential presented by social media, the one everyone is talking about, is not being utilized by the Forex world, not even close!

Hi Hillel. Great post on the impact of social media on the Forex market. I couldn't agree with your assessment more! I recently wrote a post on about this very topic and echo your comment that Forex is not taking full advantage of social media and social networks and I challenged the industry to tell me why and where the Forex social networks are hiding. As a fellow social media person, I do see some Forex traders taking advantage of the channels you mentioned above but am surprised that we have not seen more new Forex-specific networks emerge. You can read my post here and I welcome your comments as well on this important topic: http://blog. currensee. com/2009/09/real-forex-social-networks-where-are-you/.

Michelle Heath October, 2009

agree with Raj1. Perhaps the article should be titled: Impact of social media on forex trading

pang October, 2009

Not sure if you read the article, but my thesis was that the potential for cooperation between social media and Forex is there, but it seems that the major players are not utilizing this highly effective tool to its full potential. So to answer your question, the affect social media has on Forex is not where it should be,

Hillel August, 2009

good introduction - but. how does social media affect the Forex market?

Raj August, 2009

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. As a leveraged product losses are able to exceed initial deposits and capital is at risk. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Popular Forex Social Networks

Advertised as the the first social network for Forex traders, Currensee encourages Forex traders around the world to collaborate on real trades in real time.

Access to education and training on proven Forex strategies.

Automatically follow your friends and fellow fx traders. Meet, collaborate, and follow users from all MetaTrader brokers.

A very active trading community that shares a variety of trading strategies with a large number of reviews and comments.

User-friendly platform to share information and receive comprehensive trading strategy critiques.

An active discussion forum for Forex traders. Information sharing, collaborative trading and unbiased analysis and review.

New Media on Ulitzer

Currensee Inc, the first Forex trading social network that connects traders from around the world based on real-time trades, has opened up its private beta to the public. Currensee brings trust and transparency to Forex trading collaboration by enabling members of its trader network to see each other's actual trading strategies and performance to make more informed trade decisions. Currensee gives back to the trader network by aggregating real-time data on the trades its members are making and serving that information back to the entire network in the form of innovative Social Indicators. Currensee has raised $6 Million in funding from North Bridge Venture Partners.

Currensee traders from over 64 different countries have become members of the trading social network. To join, members create a Currensee profile that securely connects to their live brokerage account. Based on a variety of important factors (such as years of trading experience, trading region, and trading approach) members can connect with other traders and create a Trading Friends list. Trading Friends share actual trades and positions and collaborate on trading strategies in real time. They learn from one another's successes and failures and measure their performance against their Trading Friends, as well as the entire network. Because the system is totally transparent, Currensee members decide who to trust and leverage the wisdom of their Trading Friends and the crowd.

In addition to enabling true trade collaboration, Currensee provides members access to Market Watch, the first real-time social sentiment indicator that shows what traders are doing based on actual trades. This unique Social Indicator widget combines member trades and positions and offers the aggregated information back to the network free of charge. Market Watch provides traders real-time visibility into the amount of volume long or short on each currency pair along with detailed information about the average entry prices and real-time graphical feedback regarding which side of the trade is winning or losing at that moment for the entire network. These new real-time social insights create exciting new ways to analyze the market.

CIO, CTO & Developer Resources

"Currensee is all about real traders sharing real trades in real-time," said Dave Lemont ( http://www. currensee. com/about-us/executive-team/dave-lemont ), CEO of Currensee. "We talk to traders all the time who tell us it's hard to know who to trust online when there's no way to substantiate another trader's claims about their track record. That's why we made the decision to create an exclusive community of traders - where everyone has a live trading account. Our goal was to address the trust question head-on by making trading performance and trading activity completely transparent. The Currensee trader network gives the individual Forex trader access to the type of collaboration and information that is typically only available for institutional traders. We are excited to open up the platform and invite Forex traders to come and trade together."

Currensee gives individual or "retail" Forex traders access to professional-caliber information by providing robust features such as real-time dashboards and customized data feeds that aggregate all the market data they need in one place. Members can take advantage of a variety of news and analysis, including the Econoday economic calendar, to make daily trading decisions. They can customize their dashboards, add RSS feeds, and use the Currensee OpenSocial widget architecture to personalize their experience. Before Currensee, retail traders had no other choice but to spend valuable trading time hunting down information and gathering data.

"There is a new generation of finance companies that really understand how to leverage the power of Web 2.0 to create a new era of social trading and investing. Traders operate independently yet still want to collaborate with peers and learn from expert mentors. They are using social networks in other parts of their lives, and they've come to expect similar tools for Forex trading," said James Moran, a partner at North Bridge Venture Partners. "The elite Currensee team of software experts, social media mavens, and real traders has built a platform that will create a vibrant business and change the way Forex trading is done today."

Currensee provides real-time support for close to 40 Forex brokers ( http://www. currensee. com/partners/supported-brokers ), including Alpari, dbFX, Forex. com, FXCM, FXDD, FX Solutions, IBFX, MB Trading and continues to add new brokers at a fast pace. "Currensee combines some of the best features of social networking technology with the retail trader's need to join forces with lots of different types of traders," said Marilyn McDonald, Vice President of Customer Experience at Interbank FX. "I feel it's an ideal place for traders to collaborate based on real trade activity, allowing unique insights and additional support for their trading decisions."

Published October 20, 2009 – Reads 7,153 Copyright © 2009 SYS-CON Media, Inc. — Todos los derechos reservados. Syndicated stories and blog feeds, all rights reserved by the author.

By Cloud Best Practices Network

Nike is an organization that understands the shift driven by trends like the Internet of Things, where technology becomes an integral part of product value. Fitness is a key area where IoT wearable technologies combined with new apps will become differentiating factors that influence which new sports shoes and clothes we buy.

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We’ve spent many words on this blog talking through new Industrial IoT technologies, hardware and software, and the way that the status quo has shifted to demand better connectivity, smarter infrastructure, and better access to real-time data across the spectrum. -

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By Carmen Gonzalez

SYS-CON Media announced today that @WebRTCSummit Blog, the largest WebRTC resource in the world, has been launched. @WebRTCSummit Blog offers top articles, news stories, and blog posts from the world's well-known experts and guarantees better exposure for its authors than any other publication. @WebRTCSummit Blog can be bookmarked ▸ Here @WebRTCSummit conference site can be bookmarked ▸ Here

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Big Data analytics and the Internet of Things are still relative newcomers. Given how quickly technology moves, though, it’s not surprising that their next incarnations are already being talked about: cognitive analytics and a much-grown Internet of Things (IoT). We all know about the Internet of Things: it’s data from a host of Web-connected devices that can be analyzed and studied, just like traditional data analytics. But what is cognitive analytics? Think back to old sci-fi shows. Remember the insanely smart, almost-human robot sidekick? Cognitive analytics isn’t there yet, but it does em.

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What made move 37 so interesting is that no one expected it. It was early in game two of the million-dollar Google DeepMind Challenge Match, and AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence (AI) system developed by Google, placed its 19th stone on a part of the game board that no human Go master would have considered. Some called it a “mistake.” Others called it “creative” and “unique.” But considering that AlphaGo went on to win its third game in a row against one of the strongest Go players in the world, the move should probably have been called what it really was: “intuitive.”

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By Kevin Benedict

In my 30-years in the high tech industry I have often heard the business maxim, “Develop a business strategy first, and then find the technology to support it.” This well-worn business doctrine, I have come to believe in this age of digital transformation, is wrong and it is time to repudiate it. Let me support my argument by first asking a few questions. What came first e-commerce or the Internet? What came first mobile banking, or wireless mobile communications?

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You need to link a two production sites together in your IIoT network in order to move critical voice, video, data and sensor data (VVDS™) between the sites by deploying access points. So, you consider using industrial Wi-Fi Access Points to implement this short-haul, point-to-point (PTP) RF link between the two sites. Short-haul RF links out to 8 miles are very doable using industrial Wi-Fi Access Points with directional antennas.

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eToro come Forex Social Network

January 22, 2017 by Igor

Etoro Forex Social Network Molte recensioni relative ai famosi broker Forex mondo sono date e, pertanto, tutti i commercianti di Forex sono invitati a visitare le recensioni su eToro sul sito. Etoro forex broker di – social network Rispetto ad altri Forex trading eToro offre le opportunità che altri non lo fanno. In eToro non è necessaria alcuna analisi fondamentale o profonda conoscenza per guadagnare denaro è sufficiente per la ricerca, selezionare e copiare e registrare che è molto semplice. Quindi, se siete pronti a unirsi Forex tutto ciò che serve è un Meta Trader 4 e l’adeguata distribuzione come si inizia. Per i commercianti che non vogliono imparare tutti i piani commerciali con eToro vi aiuterà e, se si vuole mettere le mani sul Forex tutto ciò che serve è quello di scegliere il professionista HotForex o altri intermediari che sono in primi 3 posti. Le discussioni su piattaforme, esperienze di trading, premi, reputazione, bonus, i conti e le altre è stata fatta e quindi tutto ciò che serve è quello di verificare la recensione completa. A differenza di altri broker si possono trovare eToro come completamente differente con tali intermediari ordinarie. Entrando nel sito ufficiale di commercio Forex vedrete grandi titoli sulla base di guadagnare denaro e anche i passi per guadagnare enormi quantità di denaro. E spendendo alcuni pochi minuti si può sentire come guadagnare soldi unendo Forex. Tuttavia si dovrebbe capire che non funziona davvero o no e dove cominciare?

Qui sotto potete vedere graduatoria zona Etoro Social Network dove come investitore può scegliere parecchi commercianti e copiare i loro commerci come il tuo: eToro social network graduatoria

Quindi è molto importante capire che cosa eToro è e quali sono i suoi vantaggi e svantaggi prima di passare attraverso le recensioni. In eToro trovare una piattaforma Meta Trader 4 non è possibile. Come sapete eToro è un broker Forex diverso trovare una piattaforma di trading con una corretta analisi tecnica e il suo ambiente correlato non è possibile. Quindi, se siete alla ricerca di un broker che avrebbe fornito adeguata piattaforma di trading e software tutto ciò che serve è di controllare Accent Forex o Hot Forex. Ora si sa che cosa eToro è davvero così non c’è bisogno di spendere il vostro tempo a leggere le recensioni su questo broker. EToro è un social network che si combina con un broker Forex. L’unico processo necessario qui è quello di scegliere un professionista o alcuni commercianti, registrarsi e copiarli ogni volta che il trader chiude / apre una posizione, e questo è un processo automatico in cui è possibile rilevare le aperture e chiusure della posizione identica attraverso il sistema. Questo sistema è molto interessante in quanto il professionista ha bisogno di non accedere al tuo account o fondi. Tuttavia eToro ti aiuta a ricercare le prestazioni degli operatori, quali investitori, e aiuta anche ad analizzare la percentuale di Fain, a contatto con persone diverse e anche di copiare il commerciante che si desidera. In aggiunta a questo eToro vi aiuterà a mantenere i contatti e le nuove conoscenze nell’industria Forex. Per la vostra assistenza è possibile controllare le recensioni e articoli su Forex broker che vi fornirà le migliori informazioni sul commercio. Si può anche sentire liberi di condividere le vostre idee ed esperienze in modo che le vostre idee possono aiutare gli altri operatori a fare business plan ben deciso. Si può anche aprire il tuo account gratuito cliccando sul pulsante “Unisciti a noi”. Quindi trovare un broker Forex che è popolare è necessario per la ricerca, passare il tempo, abilità e richiede pazienza. Quindi tutto quello che serve è quello di controllare le recensioni e gli aggiornamenti sul sito web.

Ha scritto da Zoran Milosev

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Forex Social Network Allows Traders to Connect All Over the World

Hot Forex [read review ] Social enables securities traders to connect with each other all over the world by building and owning portfolios, interact and exchange vital information about different markets. The services is online through HotForex. One is required to stay connected for any updates on information regarding the securities markets. Securities traders will track information about different markets with ease.

Securities traders are required to sign up for HF Social in the first place. Upon signing up, one is required to stay connected, build a working portfolio and strategies. Securities traders will keep track of successful traders, filtering them to meet their preferences. In addition, traders create and control their own portfolios via HF Social.

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Forex Traders Social Network Currensee Gets Another $6 Million

by Joseph Tartakoff Feb 23, 2010 - 11:42 AM PDT

Currensee. a social network for foreign exchange traders, has raised $6 million more in funding. On Currensee, users link their brokerage accounts to their profiles, so that they can share trades and foreign exchange positions. They can also track the trades and positions of “trading friends” in real-time. The funding round was led by North Bridge Venture Partners. New investor Egan-Managed Capital also participated.

With the new funding, Currensee — which only launched its social network to the public five months ago — will have now raised $12 million. The company had raised $6 million in a first round in October. (The company is saying that this second round totals $8 million, although several outlets point out that $2 million of the new round was in fact disclosed in the previous funding announcement).

New cash will be used in part to “accelerate expansion” in the U. K. Europe and Asia. It also will fund the development of a “social sentiment indicator that shows what traders are doing based on actual trades.”


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Advertencia de Riesgo. Forex and Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are leveraged products. Trading in these products is highly speculative and involves substantial risk. Please note that even knowledgeable and well experienced investors can experience large potential losses as a result of trading in Forex and CFDs. Consequently, investors should be fully aware of all the risks involved when trading Forex and CFDs and accept all the negative consequences associated with such trading. Please always remember that trading in Forex and CFDs might not be suitable for all investors. It is desirable investors who would consider trading, to do so only with money that they can afford to lose. You are also recommended to seek independent financial advice if necessary. The content on this website does not constitute financial or investment advice. Any information herein is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your personal circumstances, investment experience or current financial situation.

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Currensee Launches First Social Network for Forex Traders

BOSTON, Oct. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Currensee Inc.( http://www. currensee. com ), the first Forex trading social network that connects traders from around the world based on real-time trades, has opened up its private beta to the public. Currensee brings trust and transparency to Forex trading collaboration by enabling members of its trader network to see each other's actual trading strategies and performance to make more informed trade decisions. Currensee gives back to the trader network by aggregating real-time data on the trades its members are making and serving that information back to the entire network in the form of innovative Social Indicators. Currensee has raised $6 Million in funding from North Bridge Venture Partners.

Currensee traders from over 64 different countries have become members of the trading social network. To join, members create a Currensee profile that securely connects to their live brokerage account. Based on a variety of important factors (such as years of trading experience, trading region, and trading approach) members can connect with other traders and create a Trading Friends list. Trading Friends share actual trades and positions and collaborate on trading strategies in real time. They learn from one another's successes and failures and measure their performance against their Trading Friends, as well as the entire network. Because the system is totally transparent, Currensee members decide who to trust and leverage the wisdom of their Trading Friends and the crowd.

In addition to enabling true trade collaboration, Currensee provides members access to Market Watch, the first real-time social sentiment indicator that shows what traders are doing based on actual trades. This unique Social Indicator widget combines member trades and positions and offers the aggregated information back to the network free of charge. Market Watch provides traders real-time visibility into the amount of volume long or short on each currency pair along with detailed information about the average entry prices and real-time graphical feedback regarding which side of the trade is winning or losing at that moment for the entire network. These new real-time social insights create exciting new ways to analyze the market.

"Currensee is all about real traders sharing real trades in real-time," said Dave Lemont ( http://www. currensee. com/about-us/executive-team/dave-lemont ), CEO of Currensee. "We talk to traders all the time who tell us it's hard to know who to trust online when there's no way to substantiate another trader's claims about their track record. That's why we made the decision to create an exclusive community of traders - where everyone has a live trading account. Our goal was to address the trust question head-on by making trading performance and trading activity completely transparent. The Currensee trader network gives the individual Forex trader access to the type of collaboration and information that is typically only available for institutional traders. We are excited to open up the platform and invite Forex traders to come and trade together."

Currensee gives individual or "retail" Forex traders access to professional-caliber information by providing robust features such as real-time dashboards and customized data feeds that aggregate all the market data they need in one place. Members can take advantage of a variety of news and analysis, including the Econoday economic calendar, to make daily trading decisions. They can customize their dashboards, add RSS feeds, and use the Currensee OpenSocial widget architecture to personalize their experience. Before Currensee, retail traders had no other choice but to spend valuable trading time hunting down information and gathering data.

"There is a new generation of finance companies that really understand how to leverage the power of Web 2.0 to create a new era of social trading and investing. Traders operate independently yet still want to collaborate with peers and learn from expert mentors. They are using social networks in other parts of their lives, and they've come to expect similar tools for Forex trading," said James Moran, a partner at North Bridge Venture Partners. "The elite Currensee team of software experts, social media mavens, and real traders has built a platform that will create a vibrant business and change the way Forex trading is done today."

Currensee provides real-time support for close to 40 Forex brokers ( http://www. currensee. com/partners/supported-brokers ), including Alpari, dbFX, Forex. com, FXCM, FXDD, FX Solutions, IBFX, MB Trading and continues to add new brokers at a fast pace. "Currensee combines some of the best features of social networking technology with the retail trader's need to join forces with lots of different types of traders," said Marilyn McDonald, Vice President of Customer Experience at Interbank FX. "I feel it's an ideal place for traders to collaborate based on real trade activity, allowing unique insights and additional support for their trading decisions."

Currensee brings trust and transparency to retail Forex trading. The Currensee social trading network connects retail Forex traders from around the world, so they can share and collaborate on actual trading information in real-time. The unique Currensee social indicators aggregate the wisdom of the network and provide a new approach to Forex market analysis and trade decision-making. Currensee supports a wide variety of Forex brokers and education partners and is a member of the National Futures Association. Currensee is funded by North Bridge Venture Partners and the company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. For more information, visit us at www. currensee. com . Follow us on Facebook ( www. facebook. com/currensee ) and Twitter ( www. twitter. com/currensee )

SOURCE Currensee Inc.

'Traders who leverage social networks are much more efficient' - Asaf Yigal

Social networks have experienced an incredible growth in the last years, Forex too. An appealing merging business we wanted to explore together with an innovative mind of this sector, Asaf Yigal, co-funder and VP of Product at Currensee.

How will Forex companies evolve in this new environment? Asaf shares with us his ideas about regulation, advertising models, content websites evolution and brokers involvement in this internet revolution, but also their future in general: “in order to survive in this market, brokers must deliver products that improve customer retention and build a more diversified offering”, analyses Asaf. And of course the users of those networks, the Forex trader. “It’s inevitable that Forex traders will live and breathe online.” Asaf unveils his thoughts on the improvements to be brought, possible technological changes - social networks opening up their API “to enable traders to write tools to help themselves or others” - or the future of the so-called gurus. Exciting topics for the 2.0 traders generation.

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Who is Asaf Yigal? Co-Founder and VP of Product, Asaf is a software engineer-turned-Forex trader and plays the role of business strategist, product architect and people officer. Education: BSc in Electrical Engineering from Technion Israel Institute of Technology Years in the market: 5 What is Currensee? Independent, patent-pending Forex decision-making network where traders can connect with each other. The "Trade Leaders Investment Program" identifies top-performing traders from within the social network and allows other investors to follow and execute their trades in their own account.

Why did you choose Forex and not another market to build a social network on? The reason I chose Forex as the target market for the social network was the explosive growth in Forex trading in the past years combined with tremendous growth potential as Forex is still an untapped market for many people. There are only about 3.5 million active Forex traders in the world but there are billions of investors. Creating access to the Forex market for the billions of investors who don’t have the experience or knowledge to do it on their own is a huge opportunity for Currensee and why we launched the Trade Leaders™ Investment Program.

Smartphones and tablets evolving fast, the FX volume expected to rise an average of 30% by year until 2017, amazing social networks success: this combination sounds as an extraordinary business model indeed. Not a black spot on the picture? Forex social networks and Forex content delivery is a great business and is going to continue to grow rapidly. But many social networks grew up believing that advertising will solve their revenue problems. I believe that companies will need to evolve if they want to grow their client base and revenue stream. This means offering services other than content in order to build a scalable revenue stream that does not rely on advertising. If the company is happy with its current size then relying on ads can be a sustainable revenue source but looking beyond ads is critical for significant revenue growth. So relying on advertising only might not be the best idea? Brokers are already reducing their ad spend, which will impact the content providers and the social networks. In order to survive, some of the content providers will have to partner with other product providers to enable a richer service then just content.

Talking about brokers, what’s your opinion about their involvement in the social network revolution? Brokers have the potential to get more involved in the social revolution by working with the social networks and offering specific tools for traders. The existing social networks, which rely on advertising revenue, have the potential to improve their revenue stream and broker engagement by building a sophisticated ad program, like the one that Facebook or LinkedIn has, which enables brokers to better target their desired customers. I think that a social network owned by a broker only has value if it supports cross platforms and cross brokers – otherwise it’s too small of a community to be engaging enough.

"Current brokers will not be able to keep the high cost of regulations and the increasing cost of customer acquisition if they continue to churn their customers."

Brokers, these days, also have very little differentiation between themselves and with the explosive acceptance of MT4 the brokers need to reduce their cost of acquisition in order to keep sustaining their business. Having a social network, if properly operated, could be a great advantage for a broker but they need to understand the investment they need to make in that network in terms of content, community management and feature development.

Is the future of brokers bright in your opinion? I predict that current brokers will not be able to keep the high cost of regulations and the increasing cost of customer acquisition if they continue to churn their customers. In order to survive in this market, brokers must deliver products that improve customer retention and build a more diversified offering. I see the market consolidating even further and brokers starting to attract institutional money, which generates less revenue but more sustainable customers.

So you believe regulations of the market will make the business more complicated? With respect to regulation, it’s only going to get worse. The regulations are coming fast and furious and I honestly see this as good for traders but tough for businesses in the space, especially small ones who may be forced to fold or move under a larger, regulated company. Brokers or service provider that don’t take the time and money to be regulated are going to be impacted. There are always going to be the unregulated parties in this market especially since this is a mostly online business but they will not be able to attract the institutional business and therefore their business is not going to be sustainable in the long run.

Let’s talk about the users. do you consider that traders involved in social networks are better informed and prepared to take decisions than others? It’s very clear that traders that leverage social networks are much more efficient traders than the ones that live in complete isolation. There is an overflow of information in the Forex space and social networks provide a layer of transparency and assist traders, especially new ones, in determining what information to rely on and what to disregard. Being efficient doesn’t necessarily make you a better trader but if a trader is determined to become a good trader then social networks are a must.

"Being efficient doesn’t necessarily make you a better trader but if a trader is determined to become a good trader then social networks are a must."

What’s next? Do you see the future trader as a person who will be 'living, interacting and trading' 100% online? Traders have been communicating online for years now and in fact the biggest advantage back in the days of having a Reuters terminal was the access you got to all the traders who were also using the Reuters terminal. Certainly not a social network, but a way to leverage a group of traders as a resource. I do see online trading as more than a trend – it’s really the way trading is done today. With the advent of social network pretty much at the same time as online Forex trading took off, it’s inevitable that Forex traders will live and breathe online. In the future trends in this space will be more about business disruption – what will brokers and other players in the space do to build loyal customer bases. What do you think traders miss nowadays and will need in the future? There are plenty of tools that traders these days are missing. Most existing tools focus on helping traders with market prediction and analysis while there are very few tools that help traders with risk and position management. The social network tools that exist today are in their infancy and I’m sure we’ll see more development in the coming years. Some of the tools could be assisting traders to stay on their plan while others may give them self-help tools to better analyze trends in the market by leveraging the wisdom of the crowd.

Talking about the crowd, is it true that social networks have brought the Forex gurus closer to the retail traders? This is a good question. We’ve seen that some of the more well-known “experts” or “gurus” have stayed away from joining the Forex social networks as they were reluctant to expose their overall performance to the world. On the other hand, a new type of expert has emerged – traders that are open and transparent with excellent performance. I think that over the coming years the good traders will rise to the top much quicker and will not need to fight their way to the top as their performance will carry them there on its own.

"The good traders will rise to the top much quicker."

What do you think of Google+ and its use for a trader compared to other networks? In my opinion, Google+ does not provide any new functionality over Facebook and if my friends are already on Facebook, there is no real reason for me to move to Google+. At the end of the day, people join social networks that their friends use. If everyone is on Facebook, that’s where all the friends gather.

What are the respective advantages of Twitter and of Facebook for the traders? Which one do you believe will grow the most in the traders community? I don’t think either networks will be useful to traders over time. Twitter is good for real-time updates but it lacks a level of transparency which means that everyone can say whatever they want and there is no proof or accountability. Facebook is mainly used by people to keep in touch with their friends and family and the professional use of Facebook has been challenging at best in all commercial aspects.

What technological improvement would increase the use of social networks? There are a lot of technological improvements that can make social networks more useful, it can be some simple things like better communication among people in the network or more tools for traders to help themselves. One thing that can make a big difference is if a social network would open up it’s API to enable traders to write tools to help themselves or others.

Is the respect of the user’s privacy a well-addressed challenge and how will this evolve? The regulated social networks like Currensee are bound to the NFA and FSA rules and regulations regarding user data privacy and therefore are safer to use by traders. Traders that join other social network may put their financial data at risk and it’s clear that it’s a problem waiting to happen.

Forex social networking site, skype stock market symbol.

posted on 28-Mar-2017 16:42 by admin

Is it for me? Oxwall is used for a wide range of projects starting from family sites and custom social networks to collaboration tools and enterprise community solutions. PipTwits™ is a networking site for traders and Forex professionals that works uniquely by utilizing social features so that you may learn more and trade better. Joining up to an online Forex community such as a Forex forum or a group on a social networking site can be a great way to get help on a variety of Forex subjects.

Forex social networking site: What is Myfxbook? Myfxbook is an online automated analytical tool for your forex trading account and a social forex community first of its kind. Forex Robot Arena Social Network! Finally a place to come together to share ideas in an open forum about which robots are working and what are the newest forex robots. List Of Social Networking Sites Here is a list of social networking sites, websites similar to myspace, facebook. Start Your Own Social Network Today.

skype stock market symbol: To help you find your way and figure out which social trading network best suits your needs, I have prepared an overview of the most popular networks and platforms. Social networking meets FX trading in new web venture Forex social networking – the so-called "Facebook for traders" – has reached the UK after an.

Best online broker for new investors: Join eToro's social trading investment network revolution! Tap into the wisdom. When browsing our website, cookies will be stored on your computer. Para más. By Nash Wadud. forex social networking site, Currensee, has announced a joint webinar with FXDD to promote their Currensee Trader Leaders Investment progra

Forex Social Network Allows Traders to Connect All Over the World

Hot Forex [read review ] Social enables securities traders to connect with each other all over the world by building and owning portfolios, interact and exchange vital information about different markets. The services is online through HotForex. One is required to stay connected for any updates on information regarding the securities markets. Securities traders will track information about different markets with ease.

Securities traders are required to sign up for HF Social in the first place. Upon signing up, one is required to stay connected, build a working portfolio and strategies. Securities traders will keep track of successful traders, filtering them to meet their preferences. In addition, traders create and control their own portfolios via HF Social.

Security traders qualify to signing up for Hot Forex [read review ].Traders are however, advised to be careful and seek expert opinion before offering their commercial fixed deposits for trading. If in doubt, seek advice before exchanging any security. Lee mas

"Forex Social Network Allows Traders to Connect All Over the World" User Comments

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There's great news for Hot Forex [read review ] clients because Trading Central now offers you access to three great sets of trading indicators that will help you make the most out of every trading position to give you an advantage.

Here are a few helpful Trading Central Indicators which you can find by visiting the Trading Tolls section in myHotForex:

Risk Management Tools Probabilistic Market Classifiers and Probabilistic Stops tools take uncertainty out of the decision-making process.

Indicator Lab Develop your own trading systems and back-test your strategies with the indicator lab.

Alpha Generation Tools Adaptive Candlesticks Indicator, Analyst Opinion Indicator, and Adaptive Divergence Convergence Signals help improve your investment returns on a risk-adjusted basis.

Your Trading Central indicators are easy to choose and download with a simple click the on "Trading Tools" icon when you sign in to your Hot Forex [read review ] Client Area.

Posted by ForexAgentReviews. com on 03/24/2017

Forex traders everywhere - don't miss out on this opportunity! For absolutely zero risk, users of the XM [read review ] Forex trading platform all have the chance to win anywhere between $5000 and $20,000 over the next month. Based entirely on how much you trade, you can be awarded five thousand dollars at the end of each week. The more you trade, the higher your chances of winning are. Entering the contest is as easy as creating an account over at XM and trading. The entire process is free and joining takes a matter of minutes, so what's. Lee mas

Posted by InvestmentPromotion. org on 02/18/2017

Option Trade [read review ] is having a huge binary options contest called "Currency Wars". Currency Wars allows clients of OptionTrade to put their shrewd binary options trading tactics on display. A simple deposit of $200 into a new account makes every OptionTrade client eligible for this exciting "StarWars" trading contest.

The contest begins on January 18, 2017 and will end on March 18, 2017. Cash prizes will be given to the top five traders. The top five traders will receive the prizes listed below.

-First place trader will receive $2,000

-Second place trader will receive $1,000

-Third place trader will receive $500

-Fourth place trader will receive $300

-Fifth place trader will receive $200

Only clients of Option Trade [read review ] can enter this binary options trading contest. Contestants are also required to deposit $200 in a new account. Rankings will be updated daily. This gives contestants an opportunity to see how well they. Lee mas

Posted by BinaryTradinBrokers. net on 02/04/2017

XTrade [read review ] has a free bonus offer that just takes your phone number to get! The $20 free Forex bonus offer is available now and you simply need to gain access to the bonus by verifying your account. Once you have logged in and receive a SMS text message with your $20 code.

When you verify your phone by logging into your account and selecting phone verification, you can then submit a phone number that is valid via a code received from an SMS message. You will then receive a $20 cash bonus, as long as you have 300 Xpoints. The cash bonus will then be credited to you via your equity and this can be used. Lee mas

Posted by RealCashBonus. com on 02/02/2017

Forget 'Star Wars'! Financial traders should head over to Hot Forex [read review ] in order to participate in their Currency Wars contest instead. The contest will be held from January 1, 2017 to March 18, 2017. Participants can register from December 17, 2017 until March 18, 2017. From there, they will be on their way to six different high cash prizes out of an $80000 prize pool.

The $40000 first prize should be more than enough of an incentive for anyone to enter this trading competition. However, even the sixth prize is an impressive $2000, and the first three prizes are in the five figures. Traders are only going to need to come up with minimum deposits of $250 each in order to compete. New traders will need to open accounts with HotForex, but they won't have to do anything else. Everyone is going to have an equal chance in this trading competition from that point onward. After that, the trading competition just comes down to individual stamina, skill, and. Lee mas

Posted by ForexAgentReviews. com on 12/26/2017

UFX [read review ] is an organization renowned among Forex traders of all types. Lately they are reeling in new traders from around the globe with their current promotion. The promotion in question gives visitors a free eBook all about Forex trading tips, tricks and strategies. Along with the eBook, readers are also given access to a 100% free demo Forex trading account with $10,000 to practice any strategies they pick up on in the eBook. Whether you're new to UFX or have been trading as long as it's been operating, the eBook and demo account are certainly great tools which everyone should take advantage of - the strategies within the book were designed by the experts.

To get in on the promotion just go to UFX [read review ] fill out your email address (one which you regularly use) and your desired password to your free demo account. Upon doing so, you'll be granted access to said account along with. Lee mas

Posted by InvestmentPromotion. org on 12/24/2017

IQ Option [read review ] has recently started a promotion wherein users of their binary trading platform may win cash prizes, depending on how much they trade. The (roughly) $200k prize is to be split among 1000 people. The higher ranking traders will get a significantly larger portion of the prize money the those of a lower rank (the first place contestant will take home about 200 times as much as the last place contestant).

To take a crack at the competition, all you need to do is trade through their platform. IQ Option [read review ] gives no way of knowing what other competitors are trading, meaning you'll have to trade as much as you can to climb the ranks and hope for the best.

The trades are all counted up on December 31 when the winners are picked. After winning, you'll be able to withdraw your prize funds immediately. To get started, head over. Lee mas

Posted by BinaryTradingBrokers. net on 12/21/2017

Forex Social Networks: To Join or Not to Join?

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In the past few years, social networks have become very big business indeed. Sites such as Facebook . Twitter . and LinkedIn are now some of the most frequently used services on the web, with millions of users the world over logging in daily to connect with friends, colleagues, and business associates. Their massive popularity has led to the establishment of a plethora of more specialised, niche networks designed to connect people who engage in shared activities. The advantages are obvious – they allow people to make contact with other people who are active in their chosen field, wherever they are in the world, and share their experiences and expertise. This can be particularly valuable for investors, as having the right information within reach can make all the difference between making a profit and a loss.

For retail FX traders, there has always been a desire to foster a community where you can learn from other traders and share tips and other crucial information. Before the establishment of forex social networks . online forums served a similar purpose, in that they provided a community where forex traders could communicate with each other. While these forums did contain a lot of useful information, they were intrinsically limited, in that they did not replicate the type of interactions that you might encounter in real social situations. Also, they provided no facility for being selective about the people that you were in communication with, apart from private messaging of course.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of forex social networks among online traders is that retail forex trading is, by its very nature, a solitary activity. Sitting alone at a computer watching news feeds and making trades might well be a very profitable way to spend your time, but it can get a little lonely. Social networks allow traders to meet other people who share their interest in forex trading, so that they can compare notes, give advice, and generally keep each other company while they trade. They bring people together from all over the world that would not have had a chance to meet otherwise. This makes your physical location a lot less important than it might have been a decade or two ago.

Forex social networks have only been with us since 2009, but in that time they have exploded in popularity among retail FX traders. At the moment, forex social networks are limited by bandwidth, but as technology improves you can expect to see more and more features such as video-conferencing and voice communication. You can also expect to see features such as group trading and virtual classrooms taking off in a big way. Many forex networks already offer webinars where experts share their knowledge with retail traders, and members of the network can chip in with questions and advice of their own. These can be an excellent way to increase your knowledge of forex trading, and ask questions of people that you would be unlikely to run into in everyday life. The social networking format enables traders to learn from each other’s mistakes, as well as their successes, and exposes users to lots of different trading styles. Translation technology is another area in which great strides are currently being made, and when it has reached full maturity, you can expect to be able to communicate with traders from all around the world via forex networks, regardless of the language barrier.

There are basically two types of forex social network, those that are provided by forex brokers for the exclusive use of their clients, and those that are open to anyone. Both types have inherent advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of a non-independent, branded forex network is that all of the members are trading on the same platform, so they can give each other more specific and relevant advice regarding trading through that broker. On the other hand, these networks tend to have far fewer members, and the discussions on these networks are necessarily limited in their scope. Also, there would seem to be something of a conflict of interest on the part of the broker that provides the service, although this issue is not necessarily confined to branded FX networks. In order for an online community to be a success, there has to be a degree of transparency, and while branded communities have to be overseen by someone from the broker in question, in reality they tend to have little or no influence over the content on the network, other than to remove potentially inflammatory material or add their own contributions.

Independent forex social networks have the intrinsic advantage that anyone can join them, which means that they tend to have much higher memberships, giving users a much bigger pool of trading talent to tap into. However, this can be a double-edged sword, in that a larger community is not always a closer community, and it can be harder to forge useful relationships on these sites. Also, while independent networks can, in theory, boast a greater degree of impartiality, the potential for misinformation and covert advertising is in many ways greater.

So should you join a forex social network . The answer depends very much on your personality and your level of involvement in forex trading. If you only plan to make the odd speculative forex trade, and have no desire to communicate with other traders, then it may not be worth your while. However, if you are relatively serious about FX trading, and want to learn as much as you can about it, then it is strongly recommended that you join at least one forex social network. Of course, there is always going to be the danger that you will be given bad advice or a false sense of security in doing so, but if you enter into it with a healthy degree of scepticism, then you have much to gain by joining a wider community of traders.

Risk Management Discipline In Forex For Long Term Trades Forex Social Network

New traders when they enter the arena of Forex, have one question in mind, is it safe to trade Forex? and how i can protect my investment when i trade and expose my money in the market from open trades?

Forex is a dangerous investment and risk warning about Forex advise everyone to invest money they can afford to lose. Traders open accounts to make profits from the market and not to feed the market with daily losing trades. And the same how dangerous sport games can be very safe when you calculate perfectly the risks involved and be prepared to act when it’s needed, also Forex trading can be safe for investors from all account size when they learn and apply a strict risk management and add new trades by following the trend till it reach at least a wave of 1000 pips.

It’s strongly advised to risk only 2% of your investment in a open trade, and never to open a second losing trade and to wait your losing trade to become in green for after to put stop lose on entry and open a new trade, and try to avoid open trades close to each other and give the market at least a space of 100 pips between each open trade. When you give space to the market from your open trades, always the market treat you better.

And the result for this simple reasoning in risk management will let you collect 5500 pips in profits from a move of 1000 pips in the market, by simply adding a new trade with each 100 pips move, for example GBPUSD did fall more than 1000 pips from resistance level 1.72 in 4 month time and EURUSD did fall from more than 1000 pips from resistance level 1.39 in 6 month time and always opportunities to catch 1000 pips moves are present on our charts. Each 1000 pips move start small, and try to catch it from start.

To simplify the calculation of this risk management strategy we will offer this example: When you enter each 100 pips a new trade till you reach 1000 pips in profits as final target the result will be 1000 + 900 + 800 + 700 + 600 + 500 + 400 + 300 + 200 + 100 = 5500 pips in profits

Regarding stop lose for the first trade it can be 100 pips or 200 pips depend on your judgment how much you are willing to risk in your first trade. One open losing trade is enough to know you are wrong, no need to double the pressure by opening a second trade, wait till the market go your way.

Trade safe and rise toward success in the Forex Market.

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Social process through which online financial investors rely on user generated content gathered from various Web 2 which big players landscape.

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Etoro is not a broker so you will have to open an account with one of its approved brokers to fully utilize the website.

Forex Social Trading Platform best forex social trading.

Social trading networks incorporate forex broker services along with a message board: traders are able to communicate, share trading experience oftheir own and watch others’ trades; in certain cases it is possible to copy trades of the competent associates, that is, to have expert tradesautomatically replicated in the follower’s account, in exchange for a small commission. As a matter of fact, social trading networks have proven tobe more profitable for their participants than individual trading. Best forex social trading.

One benefit from a Social network is copying others trade and being copied. Another benefit is the knowledge and skills they obtain from the traderinformation they share.

Best forex social trading - Read more

Description best forex social trading

The platform was purchased in late 2017 by Oanda forex broker.

Social trading - the easy way to trade Follow and copy the success of the best traders in the world, automatically. I would like to show you one of the easiest .

It is the merging of traditional forex trading with the proven success of social media networking.

The result: Traders validating their positions using other traders’ positions, only placing trades that are proving to be profitable. best forex social trading.

best forex social trading. Before the days of the internet, traders could learn from newsletters that were released periodically. This had the limitation of providinginformation on trades that were executed in the past. Thus, traders were left uncertain when it came to the present.

Today, social trading is more timely and accurate than before. It enables clients to evaluate traders statistically according to their profitabilityand to copy successful trades. The new feature increases transparency by allowing customers to view and learn from the broker's most experiencedclients. Traders can examine different strategies without risking their funds.

Video best forex social trading

Etoro is one of the largest and earliest innovators of social trading. Best forex social trading profit.

Forex Factory — the major Forex forum that now has all the attributes of a fully functional Forex socialnetworks — community, market sentiment socialization and trading performance tracking (with a rather in-depth analysis). Withsuch a huge member base it shouldn’t be too difficult for them to start dominating the niche soon. best forex social trading.

It is Ada Trading System. This forex signal provider comes from Turkey and has been voted #1 by Zulutrade algorithm.

This platform is based in New York with offices in Cyprus, Hong Kong, Shang Hai and Athens.

These bot-creating software vendors have somehow taken it upon themselves to perpetrate the notion of “success” with trading forex throughbots and expert advisors, and branding it as comparable to algorithmic trading (a COMPLETELY different paradigm altogether).(best forex social trading profit.|)

Sir Forex is the new social trading network for Forex traders. Our traders network unite people from all over the world into a Forex Community. The social trading platform is 100% free and could be used by any trader who is willing to bring Social Forex to the next level.

Yesterday is our first day of this year to trade. Stock Market seems go very bullish. S&P 500 advance about 17.89 point (1.60%). A good start in this new year. For forex there seems Dollar weakness dominates yesterday movement. I got so lucky yesterday, i trade 11 times and have 100% win. So a blessing day in the first day of 2010. You can see in my statistic below.

This is the data shown by the website called Currensee . its a social media website specially for forex trader. If you haven’t registered to it, i recommend you to register. Everybody knows Twitter, Everybody knows Facebook. But for Forex Trader, i think common social media site is not enough. I think this site is worth to consider. You can meet a lot of good trader here. I myself got some friend and share our trade together right now. We can learn each others by trading together. You also can learn from them who have better perfomance than you. The data off course can’t be cheated. Because it’s live. You can also learn from them who have a similar trading style with you. Because in the Profile there some data like this

This is my profile. We can see on the bottom section of the profile, there a data like Trading Since, Avg Trades / Week, Approach (Fundamental / Techincal), Technique, Trading Region . From these data, we can found other trader with similar approach, so we can learn from them.

¡Sé sociable, comparte!

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La URL de la página de cuenta de Twitter encontrada. Un enlace de cuenta de Twitter se puede encontrar en la página de inicio o en el archivo robots. txt. Número total de Tweets. It measures how much websites talk to its social media audience. Número total de Seguidores. Mide qué tan grande es la audiencia de las redes sociales. La fecha de creación de la cuenta de Twitter. Donde reside el sitio o su webmaster. La descripción de la cuenta de Twitter describe el sitio web y sus servicios a los usuarios de redes sociales. Número total de usuarios que han añadido esta cuenta de Twitter a sus listas.

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The Tradeo social trading platform

Tradeo is a social trading network open to all forex traders. The main purpose of Tradeo is to enable traders to work together, exchange ideas and automatically copy other traders' trading strategies.

Tradeo was first launched in 2012 for all brokers offering the MetaTrader 4 and ACT Trader platforms, but in May 2017 Tradeo changed its strategy by becoming an actual forex broker. You can no longer connect to the Tradeo social network via an external broker, all of the mirror trading features can now only be accessed via the Tradeo platform.

An STP broker (No Dealing Desk)

Tradeo is a subsidiary of the Hogg Capital Investments Ltd. financial investment company that is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA).

You can test Tradeo's services and platform with a free demo account. Their online brokerage service offers a choice of 170 trading instruments (forex and CFD) with leverage of 200:1.

As an STP broker, Tradeo simply transmits your trading orders to liquidity providers through a fully automated system (No Dealing Desk). This means that the brokerage does not profit from its clients' losses.

There are no commissions to copy traders apart from the spread (ex: 2.2 pips for EUR/USD).

All client funds are held by Tradeo under the laws of Malta and the MiFID's European rules. Your free margin (funds that are not committed to a trade) is kept in a separate, off-balance account in a qualified and licensed bank (HSBC). Client accounts are therefore never mixed with Tradeo's funds. In the event that Tradeo goes bankrupt, your funds would not be accessible by Tradeo's creditors.

MetaTrader 4 and expert advisors (EAs)

Most Tradeo users prefer to use the online social platform, but you can also use the MetaTrader 4 terminal. You can therefore easily synchronise your Tradeo account with the MetaTrader 4 platform in order to use expert advisors.

Social Trader is a web-based trading platform with fully integrated social trading features. In most trading platforms, users must switch between social information screens and trade execution screens; Tradeo's Social Trader is one of the first platforms that fully integrates both functions (trade execution and social functions) within the same interface.

Social Trader's main features (accessible on a single screen) are:

Real-time price quote display,

Trade execution and management with (for example) a feature that closes several positions with one click,

Real-time charts that offer the usual features such as technical indicators and different time frames, but also have social trading features: see other users' positions and orders on charts in real-time,

Copy a trade by clicking on the position right on a chart,

Initiate a trade directly on a chart,

A social news feed that displays the signals sent by other traders in the Tradeo community,

A trading feed that includes details of trades of people you follow and your copied positions,

An RSS news feed with the latest major forex news events,

A chat feature that allows you to discuss the market with other connected traders.

Tradeo's Copy Trader platform allows users to automatically find, follow and copy other traders within the social trading network. Traders can be filtered using a variety of parameters such as experience, trading style, average duration of trades, drawdown, real vs. demo account and the average leverage that is used. They can also be sorted based on their historical performance and the number of followers they have.

You can copy a trader the standard way (choosing the size of your positions) or the dynamic way (you let the trader choose your position sizes) and set the risk by adding a maximum loss limit.

All users connected to Tradeo's social trading network can choose whether or not to share their trades. There is no commission offered to traders who share their trades, but traders who join the social network benefit from free access to the Social Trader trading platform.

Discuss trading opportunities with other network members

Monitor traders right on their charts

Tradeo – international social trading network for Forex, CFD and Commodities

Tradeo is an international social trading network for Forex, CFD, and Commodities. Tradeo has created a marketplace of ideas where individual traders can collaborate with each other and analyze trades. Traders can also set their account to automatically copy other traders. A leader in the new generation of trading Forex/CFD/Stocks, Tradeo is a social trading platform fully regulated by the MFSA, and is the front runner in innovative trading solutions. Tradeo offers both their unique Social Web Platform and MT4, so both new and savvy traders convert exceptionally well to Tradeo.

Tradeo allows you to trade from over 170 Forex and CFD instruments, with leverage up to 1:200.

Tradeo’s Social WebTrader is a trading platform combined with social network features. The Social WebTrader lets users view all of the standard financial analysis information, as well as the social trading elements - all from the same page! Trader’s can view live charts, perform one-click trade executions, as well as chat with other traders, broadcast and receive signals, and much more. The Social WebTrader fully integrates trading and social on the same page. Never miss anything.

Key features include:

Live price streaming

1-Click trade execution, to open and close trades

News Feed with the latest news from global financial markets

Chat page, to speak with other traders and disucess the market privately

See the positions of other traders embedded in the instrument chart in real-time

Copy and execute trades directly from chart

View real-time sentiment of other traders on any instrument, and see the positions of other traders.

Tradeo’s Copy Trader function allows users to find and automatically copy other traders. When searching for like-minded traders to follow, the search can be filtered by number of years trading, risk style, most traded instruments, and average trade leverage. You can also view top performing traders based on past gains, as well as number of copiers.

All traders who join Tradeo have access to the full Social WebTrader, The platform is available in 7 languages.

$10 Forex Bonus For Social Network | Mikiforex

Find an opportunity to get $10 Forex Bonus For Social Network with MikiForex, follow the instraction bellow to apply for this bonus.

$10 Forex Bonus For Social Network

Joining Link: $10 Forex Bonus for Facebook like & Became a Friend with MikiForex

Ending Date: All year of 2017

Offer is Applicable: Both new and existing clients

How to Apply: Like their page and became friend Also need to have minimum $20 in account.

Bonus Withdrawal: Bonus can be cashed After 3 Standard Lots traded.

More Details:-

This promotion can be stooped any time.

To get this $10 Forex Bonus For Social Network Bonus, the Participant need to submit a request in a private message to Miki Forex in Facebook (referred to as “the Administrator”).

After the application has been considered, the Participant will receive a notification by e-mail the about crediting the Bonus to his trading account.

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General facts: while being one of the well known brokers (with more than a million clients), eToro put a heavy accent on social trading these days.

How it works: Their Social Network and platform, called OpenBook, includes the brokerage service. The "Copy trader" feature allows clients to copy trades from the "Gurus" to own live accounts.

Advantages: eToro offers a wide range of instruments including Forex, indices, stocks and commodities.

They offer a demo account, training materials and risk/money management features in more than 16 languages.

eToro is regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission - CySEC.

Disadvantages: come rather from traders and partners complains and reviews, and include questions about void profits, market manipulation and problems for IBs to withdraw commissions.

Comments: we should keep in mind that eToro concept was initially build for "the greenest" novice traders, who thanks to eToro innovative platform, were able to start trading and understanding the market faster. However, the downside of this came from the reviews and feedback novice traders leave about the broker. Due to lack of experience, many would lose money in trading and thus would blame the broker for own misfortune.

Fees: "Gurus" receive commission per each follower, while eToro only charges regular spreads to traders, same as in the classic Forex trading.


- shakiness of the platform and unreliable server are the most common complaints - void profits and problems when funding/withdrawing are the other hot topics - positive reviews applause the uniqueness and easiness of the trading platform

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21.09.2012 - GFT and BetOnMarkets keep the highest Lscore of +17 among Binary options brokers.

08.07.2012 - A new leader among New Zealand brokers - FXOpen with Lscore +17.

12.06.2012 - FxPro takes the lead among Cyprus brokers with Lscore +16.

19.05.2012 - Dukascopy Bank SA received a leading score of +21 among European brokers.

23.02.2012 - Divisa Capital - the leader among New Zealand brokers with Lscore +16.

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Forex Social Trading Networks: - Ayondo social trading network - Collective2 social trading network - Currensee social trading network - eToro (OpenBook) network - ForexCopy System network

Currensee . a social network for Foreign Exchange (Forex) traders, announced a series B of $8 million led by North Bridge Venture Partners and new investor, Egan Managed Capital. The company has raised $12 million to date, including this round and is planning to use the proceeds to expand its International presence outside of the US and continue development of several new products. Most recently, the company announced the launch of the Currensee Marketplace, “Tweet My Trades” feature and a partnership with Thomson Reuters IFR Markets.

Jim Moran, General Partner at North Bridge Venture Partners said in the announcement :

“In a space that has been viewed as the Wild West for investors, the Currensee team has made tremendous progress – bringing transparency, collaboration and innovation to the Forex industry for the first time. As we look ahead, we’re excited to welcome Egan Managed Capital as we work together to support the shake-up Currensee is creating in the world of Forex.”

Currensee was founded by developer Asaf Yigal. currently VP of products as well as Forex trader Avi Leventhal. who is now an advisor to the company. Currensee’s beta platform aims to bring transparency to the Forex market by connecting real traders in real time through a collection of tools/widgets that facilitate trading for example:

Market Watch – shows the community’s sentiment and volume on each currency pair

Thomson Reuters Market Open shows which market sessions are trading and delivers opening bell data for each market

RSS Feeds let you read your favorite Forex blogs and other sites, right from the Currensee dashboard

Community Historical Volatility shows support and resistance points derived from the community’s trading activity

Currensee could be classified as a segment in the social trading ecosystem with start ups like SocialPicks. Cake Financial. Covestor and kaChing (see previous coverage on its latest funding round from Andreesen ).

Startup investor and advisor at Techbikers

Eze is startup investor and advisor. Until recently he was a General Partner at Google Ventures Europe. Before joining GV, Eze started Campus London, Google's first physical hub for startups, and led Google for Entrepreneurs in Europe. He's an experienced product manager and startup mentor. In 2012 Eze founded Techbikers, a non-for profit supporting children education in developing countries.


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